•~• Chapter 62 •~•

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(Will's POV)

"Guys! Quick come here!" Everyone came piling into the kitchen whilst Holly was outside and looked at me waiting for me to talk.
"Holly's birthday party. What do we do?"
"Well, that's for us to know and you to find out because funnily enough it's your birthday too."
"I don't want to celebrate though."
"Stop acting like a child and grow up."
"Ugh fine."

I walked over to the door and knocked on it, to get Holly's attention so I can see which one she is. H.

I let her back in and she runs up to me dragging me upstairs.

(Holly's POV)

That's how I know her. I knew I recognised her from before my first suicide attempt.

"Do you remember when we were younger and we had that imaginary friend who said she was my sister?"
"Think about them. What was their name?"
"Exactly! I knew I recognised her!"
"So when our moms said we had to forget her it wasn't because we were getting to old it was because she left."
"What would've happened after she was took away?"
"Should we ask?"
"We need to know what happened." I ran down stairs asking Colleen to come upstairs. At first she seemed unsure but after a few minutes of begging she gave in.
"So what do you want to ask me?"
"Eleven years ago were you put into care?"
"Yes.... why?"
"Because you're Holly's half-sister."
"Wait what?!"
"You were took into care when you were 6. Because your dad went to go and work with my dad becoming criminals and mom was struggling to look after us both as she was stressed after I had just came out of hospital."
"This is going to take a while to process."
"Why were you in hospital?"
"We were all out in the forest behind the house and I fell out a tree. I cut my head open and bled to death."
"That explains the tattoo then."
"Wait! Bled to death?"
"I can't die. Not yet anyway."
"So that's why you survived after jumping off the bridge."
"Yes, sorry you had to see that though."
"It's alright. After I called your mom, our mom. She looked shocked when she first saw me and it confused me but I guess it was because she hadn't seen me in years."
"Should we tell the others?"
"Yep, lets go" when we got downstairs everyone was either asleep or too focused on the TV to know we were there.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the airhorn from the side. As I walked back to Will and Colleen they saw the airhorn and started laughing quietly.

I pressed in the button and everyone suddenly woke up.
"You're a bitch. You've done that how many times now."
"You and Colleen are the most annoying people when it comes to airhorns."
"I guess it runs in the family." Everyone suddenly looked like they had never went to sleep.
"Wait what?!"
"We're half-sisters."
"Yep. That still isn't enough information."
"A year after I was born Colleen was. We would all play together for hours. After I fell from the tree and my dad left our mom started to get too stressed and couldn't handle both of us. Our mom and Wills mom told us she was just our imaginary friend and that we should grow out of that phase whilst she was took into care."

She may be my half-sister but that doesn't mean I trust her....


•~• Charli •~•

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