•~• Chapter Eleven •~•

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I wake up as I hear the door opening and see a doctor walk in with a clipboard.
"Good morning Holly. We just have to run a few more tests and ask you questions about prom night and then you can leave". Yes. I can finally leave. "Also tee young boy from yesterday is back. Should I let him in"?
"Yes. Thank you".  She walks out and after a minute or two Will walks in.
"Hey. Not trying to sound rude or anything but why have you came back"?
"You come home today and your mom asked me to take you home".
"Has she been to the hospital since I've been in here"?
"No. I'm the only person who has been to see you". Wow. What a nice mother she is.
"What's a matter"?
"I don't want to go home and face my mom but I haven't got anywhere else to go so it looks like I have no other option".
"You do have another option. I have a spare room in my apartment. You can stay there until you're ready to go home".
"Thank you so much Will. It means so much". 
"Its fine. I owe you".


•~• Charli •~•

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