•~• Chapter 51 •~•

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(Chaz's POV)

Since Sam came back everyone was back to their energetic self and it was amazing seeing everyone so happy and wild.

We were sitting around the island talking about YouTube and our futures, discussing what we wanted to do after YouTube.
"I want to go professional with my boxing and maybe do some modelling."
"You can model for Sidemen Clothing Chaz."
"Really? Thank you guys."
"I want to start my channel today, but I need someone to help me set it up."
"Thanks Chaz"

It was an hour after our conversation about our futures and I was sitting with Sam setting up her channel trying to help her with what type of videos she wanted to make.
"How about story videos?"
"It's up to you, it is your channel."
"Ok. I'll do story time videos."
"These are going to be so fun to watch."
"They're going to be fun to film."
"Do you want me to go get Nandos?"
"Yes please. Take my card and you'll get a discount."
"Ok bye chicken!"
"See you soon."

(Sam's POV)

While Chaz was out getting Nando's I decided to start writing out some of my many stories I would be sharing on YouTube.

It had been two hours since Chaz left and she hasn't answered any of my messages or calls.

(Chaz's POV)

The 25 minute drive from the house to Nando's was peaceful. But that was just the calm before the storm.

A car came speeding towards me, no sign of them stopping. I swerved the car into the next lane, the other car seeming to speed up and spin round, trapping my car between a tree and them. My head hitting the wheel sharply and the seatbelt dragging me back hitting me against the seat.

All I could see was blood, glass and lights. I needed to find my phone, I needed to say goodbye. I couldn't leave without saying goodbye. I felt around on the passenger seat for my phone and when finding it I grabbed it unlocking it quickly and going the groupchat to send a message.


Goodbye guys. I love you all so much. Don't let JJ do anything stupid. If my baby someone survives. Keep them happy. Tell them your favourite memories of us together. Tell my viewers I love them and that I'm sorry that I'm not there for them for them anymore. Goodbye xx
Message failed to send

I messaged JJ a goodbye as well struggling to keep my eyes open and focus on what I was writing.

Goodbye JJ. I have always loved you and always will. I need you to move on and be happy with someone else. I will always be with you. Maybe not in person but in spirit. My time came to leave the Earth although I may not have been ready. Don't do anything stupid. Goodbye xx
Message failed to send

I held my stomach and lay my head back. My eyes slowly closing as people around try to keep me awake waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

And then.



•~• Charli •~•

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