•~• Chapter 75 •~•

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5 weeks later

"Talia! I came round to make music, not have a nerf war!" I turned the corner and I'm met with a nerf gun pointing towards my head.
"Fight now, make music later." She took a few steps back and shot the bullet.

Me and Talia have been 'working on music' for the past 4 weeks. We had nothing. We always found new ways to get distracted.
"We really need to work on this song. I'd like to make the music video before it's clear that I'm pregnant." I laughed as I bounced down onto the sofa.
"Let's get working then." She places the nerf gun on the side and sits down at her keyboard.

After a few hours we had finished most of the song. I'm surprised we were able to focus as long as we have. We have the attention span of a goldfish.
"I think." Talia spoke up, "we should get some popcorn and watch a film or something."
"I think... that's a good idea." I walk into the kitchen and pour the popcorn into a bowl.

All of a sudden I go dizzy and the last thing I remember is falling onto floor and everything went black.

Talia's POV

I hear the bowl smash against the floor and run into the kitchen. As I get there I see Holly lying on the floor unconscious.
"James!" I grab a cushion off the sofa and place it under Holly's head.
"What's up?" He walks down the stairs.
"It's Holly! She passed out!" He runs over to me and Hol and grabs his phone, calling the paramedics as soon as possible.

As the paramedics get to the house they rush over to where Holly's unconscious body lay. They check her airways and pulse before asking us a few questions. After answering they placed her on a stretcher and rushed her out into the ambulance, I followed them and got in. James told me to go in the ambulance with Hol and he'll call Heidi and come down to the hospital with her.


Right, so this chapter is short and I haven't updated since Christmas Day. I'm trying to research something for the book so as soon as I've finished researching about that there will be longer chapters again.

This book will be about 100 chapters and as soon as it's finished I'll be continuing with my other books. As soon as they're done I'm writing another one which will be my favourite because it's following the story line of my parents relationship which I fangirl over 😂

•~• Charli •~•

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