•~• Chapter 93 •~•

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Third Person

The body fell to the ground in excruciating pain as the others in the room screamed and ran to their side. An ambulance being called for straight away.

As realisation hit he ran. He ran for the black van, got in and sped off. He had just shot an innocent person. He had only planned to force them apart, not actually injure a person, let alone possibly killing them.

Their face grew pale as their body ran cold. It was unlikely that they were surviving, there eyes became heavy as their breathing got heavier.
"I-love-you," a gasp for air following each word.
"I have always loved you. Ever since day one." One hand on the wound the other stroking their face. "You're going to make it, I promise. You can't leave. Not yet, we still have so much to do."
As the body lay there, struggling to stay conscious they shook their head, "We can't. Not for a while anyway. We can do it later, I need to sleep first."
"Don't go to sleep on me now! The ambulance will be here soon, don't close your eyes! I need you. I finally had you back." Tears fell more rapidly as Holly knew what was about to happen. She had hope that the ambulance would here in time but just like the films. They get here when they are no longer useful. When they're dead.
"Don't cry Holly. I'll still be with you but I'll be with River. I'll look after her, the way I should've looked after you all your life. I promise I won't mess up this time. I promise." And with that they closed their eyes one last time, the air that had entered was the last of it, the tears cried were the last salty drops of sadness, and the heart that was once beating had come to an end. That was the end of Colleen Kelly. The girl who jumped in front of a bullet to save her brother in law. So that they can live a life as a family which is what she had always wished to have, but had never realised that she had all the family she needed. She only needed her sister. Nobody else.


•~• Charli •~•

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