•~• Chapter Twenty Nine•~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

Will posted the video about an hour ago and I was looking at the comments.

Your nan:
Yes Holly. You should make a channel.

We need a channel from this peng queen and it's needs to be very soon.

She's amazing and she helps with your videos. Even better!

We need more videos of the two of you together. Also, START THE CHANNEL.

"Holly!" Will shouted from somewhere in the apartment.
"Come here."
"Where are you?"
"Kitchen. And hurry up."
"What the hell are you rushing me for?"
"My fans want you to start a channel."
"I know. I asked if they wanted me to make one."
"In the video. I asked in Spanish."
"Well, do you want some help making the channel."
"Yes. But that means I want you to make it and I'm going to sleep. So goodnight."
"Wait. I need a channel name."
"Just put Holly-Marie".
"Alright. Goodnight."

>Next Morning<

I checked my phone to see hundreds of notifications. I went on to my settings and turned off my Twitter and Instagram notifications as it the notifications were mainly from them.
"Will." I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't. "WILL!" I'm getting the water.

I grab the water and Wills camera and start recording.
"Will won't wake up so he deserves this".
I threw the water over his head and be shot up.
"What the hell was that for?"
"You wouldn't wake up."
"Thanks a lot."
"Your welcome." I turn the camera off and sit on the gaming chair next to the bed.
"Can I go back to sleep now?"
"Nope. I need to ask you something."
"Ask away."
"What did you do?"
"What do you mean?"
"My notifications. What did you do? Why is there so many?"
"Oh. I tweeted that you had a channel and and tagged you in it."
"Ok thank you."
"It's alright. Now I'm going back to sleep."
"No you're not."
"Why can't I sleep?"
"Because if I'm going to film a video I'm going to need your help."
"Can't you ask the girls?"
"I could. But you can get up."
"Stop moaning. You're not a 7 year old." I walk into the kitchen to make a drink and text the girls.

Anybody want to be in my first video?



YESS. Wait. Since when did you have a channel?

Last night. I asked Wills fans because I was in his video. And he didn't know because I asked in Spanish.


Of course.

Can we film videos for everyone's channels?

Yes! If you want to think of nine different video ideas. Go ahead.

Of course Hol. We should make a joint channel!

Where do you want to film?

Sidemen house?

Ok. How long will it take for you all to get ready?

I'm just finishing my makeup. But the others are downstairs eating.

Ok I'll be over in about half an hour.

Ok. See you soon chicken.

I finished making our drinks and went back into the bedroom.
"I'm going to the Sidemen house to film with the girls. Are you coming?"
"Ye sure."


Thank you for 1K

•~• Charli •~•

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