•~• Chapter Fourty •~•

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(Callux's POV)

I recognised Heidi from somewhere I just couldn't put my finger on it. When we boarded the plane every sat by their boy/girlfriend but as me and Heidi were the only single ones we sat together and spoke for the whole flight.
"Have we met before?"
"I think I've seen you before when I've been in America but I can't think where."
"When did you last come to America?"
"July, two years ago, I went to Disney Land." We sat in silence for a while whilst we was thinking about where we had previously met.
"Wait! Yes I remember now. Twilight Zone, Tower Of Terror. I passed out and none of my friends noticed, you were the only one to notice and you helped. Then after the ride I left my friends and you left your family so we could walk around together." At least now I won't get annoyed by not remembering.
"Oh ye. That day was one of the best days I've ever had."
"And whys that?" She turns in her seat ready to hear my reasoning.
"It was boring hanging around with my family as they wanted to go on the calmer rides, I had persuaded them to come on the Tower and glad I could persuade them because if I didn't I wouldn't have been able to help you after passing out. And you made the day more interesting, if I hadn't had gone on the ride I would probably have died of boredom."
"Well your welcome. You made the day better as well."
"How?" I asked mimicking her position.
"My friends were leaving me out of everything, never asking what rides I wanted to go on. I had walked off to join the queue for the Tower and when  my friend Jessica noticed she said she wanted to go on it. That's why I asked if you would come with me."

She's cute.

(Holly-Marie's POV)

I don't think Heidi and Lux knew I was awake and listening to their conversation but it was cute and I would mistake them for a couple already because of how they acted so normal and care-free around each other.


•~• Charli •~•

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