•~• Chapter Eight •~•

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(Holly's mothers POV)

Finding out your daughter has DID and depression is hard. As her mother I want what is best for her and that's why it's going to be hard to tell her.

(Holly-Marie's POV)

She was fidgeting. I've noticed she fidgets a lot when she needs to tell me something.
"What do you need to tell me"?
"Nothing why"? She doesn't realise how observant I am.
"Mom. You're fidgeting. You only fidget when you need to tell me something".
"When you were younger do you remember your friend Will"?
"I think I know who you are on about but I remember him briefly. Why"?
"When you went out to play in the field one day. Will came running back. Without you. You had fell out of a tree and was knocked unconscious from how hard you landed." She paused. She was crying as the day played back through her mind.
"When Will took us to where you were lying. Your head was bleeding badly. We called an ambulance and they rushed you into hospital. Then they had announced you were dead. We were all crying and then we heard screaming. It was you. Everyone was confused. We didn't know how you were alive. We saw you lying by the tree lifeless. But somehow you came back to life. You're invincible". By this point we both have tears streaming down our faces. I could feel my eye twitching but I held my breath. After about 10 seconds of holding my breathe the twitching stopped. I got up and looked at my eyes in the mirror. They were still blue. I had stopped the other personality coming out. But I still had one more question.
"Mom, if I'm invincible how do I die"?
"Everyone you have ever loved has to die first".

(Holly's mothers POV)

Well that's one thing out of the way. But something about her reaction told me she already knew.


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