•~• Chapter Thirty One •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

(All Sidemen live in the house)

I woke up to the annoying sound of the alarm and after a while I realised we were going to LA.
"Will. Will! WILL!" This kids needs to learn to wake up.
"Yes ok I'm awake."
"Good because we have a plane to catch in a 2 hours."
"It takes 20 minutes to get to the airport. Probably 15 I get through security and everything else. So that means I can go back to sleep."
"No, that means we have enough time to go to the others apartments and Sidemen house to wake everyone up which means we have another video. And we can get something to eat whilst at the airport."

After getting dressed and going to Stephens and the Cals apartments apartments we headed to the house.
"Do you know where their air horn is?"
"In the cupboard on the top floor why?"
"Because how else am I supposed to wake them up?"
"You're evil."
"I know I am Sam."
"Who first?"
"Jj and Chaz because you will have to go back to wake them up multiple times."
"Ok. Go inside and start filming I'm going to jump off the balcony and scare them."

I ran up to the top floor and grab the air horn off one of the bean bags. I climb over the balcony and jump down holding in the button. Everyone who's watching covers their ears but Chaz and Jj don't move.
"WAKE UP BITCHES!" I scream and jump on top of Chaz.
"What the fuck do you want?"
"Well we have a plane to catch in an hour and forty minutes. Get up now."

We walk out the rooms and stand between Vik and Leah's room and Josh and Ellie's room. I hold down the button for a while until Leah comes charging towards me, grabs the horn and throws it down the stairs.
"Hurry up and get ready for the airport we leave in under an hour."
"Alright. We'll be ready in about 20 minutes."

After waking up Temi, Harry, Tobi and Molly I go over to Willow and Simons room and jump onto the bed.
"COME ON HOES. AIRPORT IN AM HOUR AND 20 MINUTES." Willow wakes up and pushes me off the bed.
"Ok. No need to be so loud when it's early."
"Well if you all set an alarm I wouldn't have to wake you."
"Shouldn't you be trying to wake up Chaz and Jj?"
"I know how I'm going to wake them up."
"Go on then."
"You want to come and watch? She's going to go crazy."
"Ok come on then."
"Go and get ready, I'll wake him up."
"Ok hurry up."

I walk back to everyone's bedroom and ask if they want to watch. When we get to their bedroom everyone is watching.
Chaz jumps out of bed and starts chasing me.
"Why does nobody listen when I tell them chicken is my name for everyone."
"We do. We know it winds you up though."
"Well stop or I'll fight you all."
"Go and get ready for the airport. You need to eat your Jumbo Platter before the plane leaves."

Everyone is now downstairs waiting for Chaz and Jj.
"I have a question Holly."
"And what is the question you have Ellie?"
"Why do you look peng in comfortable clothing?"
"I don't."
"Yes you do."
"I'm literally just wearing a pair shorts and an oversized jumper. It isn't really much."

"She's right

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"She's right. You do look peng."
"No I don't."
"NANDOS HERE I COME!" Chaz slides down the banister and everyone starts laughing.
"You're a child."
"That statement is correct. Until next year."
"Come on you dickhead."

We get to the airport and all of a sudden I'm getting dragged. I look at who's dragging me to see Chaz.
"You really like Nandos don't you?"
"Is it really that obvious?"
"Yes. I've never seen you move so fast other than when someone calls you chicken."
"Anyway let's try and find a table to fit us all on."
"Table for 19 please."
The waiter walks off and comes back a few minutes later.
"Would you like to come this way."
We follow him to the table and start talking about what we are going to do whilst there.
"You do realise we can't drink whilst there."
"Oh shit I forgot about that."

After finishing at Nando's we went through security and went over to the seated area. Most of us sat on the chairs but a few had to sit on the floor or stand up as there was only a small amount of seats.

"Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Los Angeles. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you."

"Well does anyone have any kids or require special assistance?"
"Ten minutes to go then."

"This is the final boarding call for passengers  booked on flight 89B to Los Angeles. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for passengers boarding Flight 89B. Thank you."
"Let's go kids." Everyone started cheering and walked over to the gate to board the plane.


•~• Charli •~•

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