•~• Chapter Fifteen •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

I know I probably shouldn't forgive everyone so quickly but I can't help it. Ever since I was young if someone apologises I forgive them straight away. I think it's because they realise what they have done and it shows that you mean something to them. It shows that they care.

"Holly. Holly. HOLLY"! I shot awake at the sound of my name being shouted.
"Huh. What happened"?
"You we're asleep. Now come on chicken we have a party to get ready for and a tattoo explanation is needed"! I've noticed from this trip that Chaz calls a lot of people chicken.
"Ok come on then", I get out the car and grab the bag with my outfit in.

We get into the lift and the girls are all begging me to tell them. The doors opened and the girls dragged me down to Wills apartment. When we got to the door Leah started knocking getting louder and louder the longer they took to open.

"Jesus Christ. We heard you the first knock. No need to carry on".
"Sorry Will, but a certain someone has a tattoo that needs explaining".
"You got a tattoo"?!
"Sorry dad. Was I supposed to ask for your permission first"?
"Shut up dork". We walked in and I put the bag in my current bedroom and went back into the living room to explain the tattoo.
"So do we get to see the tattoo"? Simon asked.
"Willow, tell your boyfriend to be patient". Everyone started to laugh.
I took the cling film off my arm and revealed the tattoo to the guys. Everyone was confused except Will. He realised what it meant.
"Will why aren't you confused"?
"Leah unlike everyone else in the room I know why Holly got that tattooed".
"Wait. How do you know"?
"Me and Will were best friends from birth until I was 8"? They just stared waiting for me to finish the story.
"He moved house and became friends with some of the boys and then I became friends with Temi and then in high school she became friends with you lot. And then you all bullied me".
"So what has the tree got to do with it"?
"When I was 6 me and Will would always go into the forest behind our houses and climb trees for hours. One day I fell out the tree and split my head open. Will ran back home to get our mothers. Whilst they were on their way my mother called an ambulance. The ambulance was taking too long so Wills mom took us to the hospital. Five minutes after we got there I was announced dead. Everyone was crying and then I had started screaming. I was alive again. It turns out I am invincible. And the only way I can die is wait. Wait for all of you to die. Wait for everyone I have ever loved to die". I looked up and everyone had tears in their eyes. "The tree shows how I should've died".

•~• Charli •~•

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