•~• Chapter 94 •~•

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I just sat there. Holding my sisters dead body as the distant sirens gradually getting closer. This is exactly what I had said earlier, everything time someone comes back into my life something bad happens to either them or me. In this case, both of us. I've lost her. The one person who truly mattered most to me is gone. There's no coming back. If I had took the bullet everything would be fine. It might have took just less than a year to recover but at least nobody would have died. And my sister would have been sat on a picnic blanket, happy as ever, smiling and joking with our family. But instead she's about to get rushed into a fucking ambulance just to get to the hospital and be announced dead.

The ambulance walked into the kitchen with a stretcher and their bags of medical instruments they thought would bring someone back to life. Well you're wrong.

They raised her onto the stretcher and lifted it, carrying it through to the ambulance. As I walk through the hall, following the paramedics, I see Will trying to comfort the twins who are sitting in the corner, hands over their ears and eyes tightly closed. They were too young, too innocent to have to see something like that. I continue walking and get into the ambulance instantly taking Coll's hand again.
"How long has it been since the bullet entered her body?" I look down at my watch. Checking the time to see how long ago my father murdered my sister.
"14 minutes. 37 seconds." Time seemed to stop. Slowly continuing with no signs of ever speeding up and going back to normal. I guess it can't go back to normal. I don't even know what normal is anymore. It's been 22 years since I experienced it. I had 6 years of it.

I just wish it could go back. Back to before everything was about to drastically change. I would change everything. 9th July 1997? I wouldn't leave the house. If Will comes to the door and knocks I'll say I don't want to go out because I feel ill. I stay as safe as possible that day.

If I don't die then it doesn't begin to get stressful. Colleen won't have to go into adoption. Dad won't leave. Mom won't become an alcoholic. I won't get depression. I'll still go through with the arranged marriage that's discovered ten years later because that shit was the best thing to happen ever. I could avoid getting bullied if I was to talk to Will on the first day of high school. And hey, maybe I could prevent loosing everyone I've ever lost.

I really want to finish this book so I can start the next one which I'm so excited for and actually have that one planned (this book was entirely made up on the spot or ideas had popped into my head whilst I was walking). ONLY SIX CHAPTERS LEFT!!!! :)

•~• Charli •~•

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