•~• Chapter Twenty Six •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

I didn't drink much last night so I didn't have to suffer the pain of a hangover and I get the fun of waking everyone else up.

I walk into the kitchen and make a glass of water and grab some tablets for everyone. I grab a pan and a wooden spoon and walk into the middle of the living room. I look around and see all the girls cuddling their boyfriends whilst asleep and I see Sam asleep resting her head on Stephens shoulder. I grab my phone from my pocket and take a picture.

"WAKE UP BITCHES!" Everyone suddenly woke up and I had a wave of curse words thrown at me. I started laughing as everyone grabbed their heads in pain.
"There is water and tablets on the kitchen island". I started laughing at how hungover everyone was and decided to be helpful and get everyone's drinks for them.
"Hurry up and recover. You have to pack for Vegas". It was going to be quite hard to communicate if all I was getting is groans.
"And us girls have to talk to Molly about her engagement." Everyone stares at me as if I was crazy.
"How drunk were you all? Tobi proposed!" I laughed at the current state everyone was in and went to go and get dressed.

After getting dressed I walked back into the living room to find the boys all awake but the girls had went back to sleep.
"Are they not waking up?" I laughed at the boys trying to wake them up.
"No. We've been trying to wake them up for 5 minutes".
"I know what to do".
"Trust me we've tried".
"Trust me Vik. You may have known them longer but I know what to do", I walk over to the TV and put the Kissing Booth on. The boys all look at me confused but I skip to the argument scene and Willow and Chaz and start to cry whereas the rest wake up and start shouting to turn it off. The boys look at me confused as to how I knew that would wake them up.
I walk out of the room with the remote so there was no way to turn it off.
"You're welcome!" I shout as everyone but Chaz and Willow were all covering there ears.


•~• Charli •~•

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