•~• Chapter Eighteen •~•

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(Will's POV)

I'd been wanting to kiss Holly since the day she came out of the hospital but I couldn't rush things.

"Wait! What's happening with the arranged wedding then?" This is the perfect opportunity to say or do something.
"I totally forgot about it. It's up to you what happens I'm fine with either option." It took a while for Holly to process what I just said in her head.
"Wait-" I cut her off with a kiss and luckily she didn't freak out. She kissed back.

We stopped kissing when we heard the apartment door get unlocked and Holly looked at me confused.
"It's my mom". I walk over to the kitchen and boil the kettle.
"Hey mom".
"Hey Will. Oh. Hello Holly". She walks over to me and kisses my head and then walks over to Holly and starts speaking with her about something.

(Holly-Marie's POV)

Wills mom walked through the door and looked surprised when she saw me. She walked over to Will, kissed his head and then sat next to me and started talking about my mother.

"I think you need to go home Holly. Your mother isn't in the best position right now". What's happened to her?
"What do you mean she's not in the best position right now? What's happened?"
"When I went over last night to talk about yours and Wills wedding, sorry about that by the way, all I could smell was alcohol. She's back to drinking". I felt a few tears roll down my cheek whilst she was explaining and by the end Will was sitting next to me holding my hand.
"Will, I need to go back home. Can you take me please?"
"Ye let me just grab my keys".
"Thank you". Will left the room to get his keys and shoes.
"He loves you".
"Will. He loves you. It's obvious. He way he talks and looks at you is different to how he does with everyone else. Talk to him about it. It might make the arrangement easier". I smiled at Mrs Lenney before I stood up and walked towards the door as I could hear Wills footsteps from behind me in the hallway.
"Thank you".
"It's alright love".
Me and Will walked to the lift and got in. The annoying elevator music seeming like it's going to last forever.
"Hey. What's up?"
"Nothing. What do you mean?"
"You're holding your breathe again. You only did that when you were angry or upset. And you're crying".
"Honestly Will it's nothing. Just a little worried about what's happening with my mom. The last time this happened was when my dad left". Will kissed me gently. "I'm going to be with you the whole time Holly. I love you".
"I love you too".
"So..... will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course Will!!!!"

We got back to my house and I reached for the spare key out of the hanging basket.
"Mom! I'm back!" The pungent aroma of alcohol was taking over the fresh air which had recently entered the house.  I walk into the living room to see my mother sprawled across the floor passed out. I run over to her and try to wake her up.
"Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom wake up please.  I need you". Will walks over and tried to take her pulse. 
"Holly, she isn't breathing". At this point I break down in tears and fall backwards into Will. Wills hugs me tight and calls an ambulance.

After about what seemed like forever the ambulance arrived and took my mom.

She was gone. Forever.

There was no going back. I should have came back home when I was discharged from the hospital. I've caused pain for so many people.  But not myself.

•~• Charli •~•

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