•~• Chapter 90 •~•

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Calling: Colleen

"Holly?" I sigh, relieved that she picked up. Last time I checked she didn't care about whether I was dead or alive.
"Colleen. Thanks for picking up. Can we meet up please, I'm going to go to my old house and have a look through everything."
"It's fine. Is it the same house from when we were kids?"
"Yep, mom refused to move because of the memories that we would forget about." I let out a laugh thinking about all the times mom refused to move out.
"Alright I'll meet you there. I don't live too far away from it so I shouldn't be long."
"Ok I'll see you in a bit." I turned my phone off and put it back on the other seat before pulling out of the car park and heading home.


I step out the car and walk to the front door. As I unlock the door a car pulls up, the engine being shut off straight away followed by the door being slammed open. I smile as I see Colleen step out of the car and run over to hug me.
"I'm so sorry, I've been the worst sister ever and I regret everything I put you through. I guess I was just jealous that you had everything." We got into the house and went into the kitchen and sat at the table.

"I've never had everything, I eventually lose it all. We were separated because it was too much to handle. Dad left because he couldn't cope and was constantly out drinking or with other women.  Will moved house and school, we grew apart and lost contact then in high school I got bullied by his friends. Mom was an abuse me when drunk because I reminded her of dad. I lost myself, I couldn't handle life but I couldn't do anything because no matter how hard I tried to forget, everything comes back and gets worse. You kissed Will so I left and went to America. Dad came back, beat me until I was unconscious then disappeared, came back months later to try and kidnap me, failed and was found dead later that day. Mom finally saw what state I was in whilst in hospital and apologised, she explained to me how she'd arranged for me and Will to get married. I had argued with her then when I was discharged I was staying at Wills because I was annoyed that she hadn't told me sooner, I eventually went home and found her dead. We were finally reunited then one of my best friends were killed in a car crash. I came home from America it wasn't long before I lost the baby. Yes I'm invincible but that doesn't help the fact that I have depression, Dissociative Identity Disorder, and that no matter how perfect life seems I know something is going to end up happening that'll fuck my life over again." I sigh and stand up before making my upstairs to the room where I spent majority of my high school life, crying into my pillow and watching the rain as it raced down the windows with my thoughts slowly killing my. Not physically, just mentally.

"I didn't realise it was that bad. I just thought you had lost mom and your dad. I-"
"And my best friend." I cut Colleen off. Yes, we may have been young. Yes, my life has been eventful. But never would I forget about my best friend. My sister. "I lost you Colleen. I cared more about losing you than dad. Dad has never meant any good towards me. You were always there for me. You were always there to hug when the thunder woke us up in the middle of the night. You were there to tell scary stories to when we couldn't sleep. You were standing next to me as we raided the cupboards to find anything to sneak back to our room for a midnight feast at 10pm because we didn't know the difference and couldn't read the time. You were always there for me. Always you. Never dad, nor mom. You." I smile at the memories of sneaking down the stairs in our matching princess pyjamas, stepping lightly on each step so they didn't creak and wake mom up. She was always a light sleeper. She'd be standing at our doors when we were hiding under the sheets with our flashlights as we told stories about princesses and ponies. Dad was never there. He was always out, drinking and sleeping with whoever he could find. It's because of him that my life was even worse than it was before. I had lost my mother because of him. He turned her into an abusive drunk, then disappears off the face of the earth until everything goes back to being perfect. When flowers are growing and birds are singing, suns shining. Then he turns up, pulls the flowers out the ground, kills the birds and turns the world to hell.


•~• Charli •~•

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