•~• Chapter Twenty Eight •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

When we finished at Nando's the others went home and when me and Will went back to the flat. I put everything I just brought into my suitcase and helped Will pack his.
"Why does packing take so long?"
"It doesn't take long if you help me".
"But you moan every time I touch anything".
"Yes, but if you weren't a 5 year old child I wouldn't be packing your things for you and I could be doing something more productive. Like watching The Kissing Booth".
"You have an addiction to that film".
"Yes I know and you can't say much. You have an addiction to bullying 12 year olds."
"You win this time child".
"DO NOT CALL ME A CHILD. THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO CAN CALL ME A CHILD IS CHAZ AND STEPHEN BECAUSE THEY ARE NONCES." Will stared at me before we both started laughing uncontrollably.
"You aren't right in the head" Will attempted to say whilst laughing.
"Excuse me!" I slap his arm playfully. "Right let's finish this and find information for TWOTI because if you don't film anything the fans will keep tweeting you about it."
"Wait. You don't have Instagram or Twitter do you?"
"No why?"
"Pass me your phone." I pass him my phone and he makes me an Instagram and Twitter account. He gives it me back and I send a message to the group chat to tell everyone my username.

Hola bitches

Hello to you too

What do you want?

Wrong side of the bed Will? 😂

No I stubbed my toe 😂

And you lot call me clumsy.

Chaz you broke your finger with a hammer.

Anyway I have got Twitter and Instagram now. 🙃

Ok I'll follow you now then I'm going to carry on playing Fortnite.

Is that all you ever do?

No. I sleep and eat as well.

I'm confused as to how you eat so much but you're still looking like a stick.

So am I Temi. I should be the size of all of you put together.

Don't you have a Fortnite game to be playing?

Who said I ain't playing right now?

Holly :
Camping isn't playing that's hiding.

Who said I was camping? 😂

Just go finish your game.

Ok, bye chickens. I love you all.

"Hola Will. Para qué me necessity's?"
"English please?"
Hello Will. What do you need me for?"
"Oh. Don't speak Spanish again please. And do you want to be in the video?"
"Ye sure. Only if I get to do the intro in Spanish."

I leave the room and find out my Sub2WillNE jumper and put it on trying not to mess up my makeup and hair.

"Bien, hoy me uní a mi hermosa novia porque es increíble y encontró toda esta información para mí. si entiende esto, compre Wills merch. si no te gusta el video. deja un comentario diciendo que Will tiene una cabeza cuadrada si debería hacer un canal". Will looked at me confused.
"What did you say about my merch?"
"I said to buy it if you understand what I'm saying"
"Ye ok."
"Let's get into the video. Or I will keep talking in Spanish".

We had been filming for about an hour and 20 minutes when we finally finished.
"This takes so long. Why did I decide to do this?"
"You wanted to speak in Spanish and at least you don't have to edit it now."
"If you want me to edit it I will"
"You sure?"
"Ye I enjoy editing anyway".
"Thank you"
"It's alright. I needed something to do, I was bored".


•~• Charli •~•

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