•~• Chapter 78 •~•

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"Will, can I talk to you about something upstairs please?" He looks confused but nods and follows me upstairs to the spare bedroom.

"What's up?" I sit down on the bed and can't hold it together any more. The tears come streaming down my face.

"Let me just get all of it out before you ask questions or it'll be harder." He nods and I begin to explain. "The reason I went to America. It wasn't just because my sister kissed you. It's because I was scared. I was scared that you would choose her over me. I was scared that I was going to have to bring up our child knowing that you were with my sister. But now I'm scared that the baby isn't going to survive. I'm pregnant but it's an ectopic pregnancy. There's a very small chance that the baby survives." Will pulls me into a hug and we sit in silence for what feels like an eternity.

"We'll get through this. No matter how hard it will be. Whatever happens we need to remember that in seven months you could be giving birth to our child. And if there are any problems along the way we need to work together and get through it. Everyone downstairs will be there with us. Every step of the way. Because that's what family do. And if the fans were to know they would be there too. Nobody is going to change what choices you make, you control your life, nobody else." I didn't bother wiping away the tears, they'll just be back in a matter of minutes.

"Can we tell everyone now and go home. I need to sleep, todays been a long day and I want it to be over already." Will nods and stands up reaching out for my hand to help me up. We walk downstairs and everyone goes quiet. I walk into the living room and stand in front of everyone, sighing before I start.

"The reason I came back to England is because a few days ago I was at Talias finishing writing our song, once we had finished we decided on watching Netflix. I went to go and get popcorn and passed out. Talia called the ambulance and James called Heidi. I don't know how long I was unconscious for but when I woke up the nurse told me that I was having an ectopic pregnancy, she explained to me that it was it was very unlikely for the baby to survive and if I keep the baby it could kill me. I'm keeping the baby because there's a possibility of it surviving. I don't care how bad of a position it puts me in. I'm not getting rid of the baby." Will opens his arms and I dive straight into them, I cover my face so I can't see anybody. Slowly more people join mine and Wills hug.

I just want to disappear. Why has life always been unfair for me? Whenever I'm in a good stage of life something seems to ruin it.


•~• Charli •~•

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