• ~• Chapter 79 • ~•

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Molly: Heidi and Holly, are you free today? We need to get you your dresses for the wedding x
Holly: I'm free, how long will it take roughly? I don't want to be out for too long. I feel like shit after yesterday x
Molly: It shouldn't take long since its only the two of you x
Heidi: I'm free x
Molly: Perfect! I'll be at Holly's apartment for 2 x

I check the time. Great. It's half one. I have half an hour to get out of bed and to get ready. I get up out of bed and place my bowl on the side. I find some clothes out and put them in the bathroom, turning on the shower. I take my bowl into the kitchen as Will walks back into the flat.
"You're finally getting up!" He laughed as he hung up his coat.
"It's only because I'm going to get an outfit for the wedding. As soon as I get back I'll be back in bed." I place my bowl in the sink and turn around, "I'm going to shower, Molly and Heidi should be here within the next 25 minutes, let them in if I'm not done."

I take a quick shower and wash my hair, as I step out the shower I check the time. 15 minutes. We should be alright for time.

I quickly dry myself and get changed and dry my hair partly before putting it into a bun. Before quickly doing my natural makeup. I grab my bag pack and took my phone off charge, taking a picture for Instagram before going into the living room.

As I walk out the room I realised nobody knew I was back in England. I went onto Instagram and posted one of the pictures Heidi took at the airport.


41k ❤️_Holly-Marie_ I'm back bitchessssss 🥰Video will be out soon explaining everything @willne

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41k ❤️
_Holly-Marie_ I'm back bitchessssss 🥰
Video will be out soon explaining everything @willne

Just as I sit down the door knocks. Perfect timing. I call through to Will before opening the door and hugging Molly and Heidi.
"Hey sisters!" I spent way too much time with James.

After shopping for what felt like forever I finally had my dress. It was a full length red velvet dress with a slit down the leg. It is honestly the prettiest dress I've ever saw.

"Do you want to go out for dinner or do you want to go home Holly?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name.
"Sorry, what did you say." I laughed as I looked at my watch checking the time.
"I said, do you want to go out for dinner or do you want to go home?" She laughed shaking her head at how easy it is for me to daydream.
"I'm not that hungry, I'll just go back to the flat and have something to eat when I'm there."

As soon as I walked through the apartment door my shoes were off straight away, my bag was thrown on the sofa and I went straight into the bedroom, falling face first into the warmth and comfort of the pillows. Three hours is way too long to be separated from your bed.


•~• Charli •~•

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