•~• Chapter 95 •~•

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We get to the hospital and Colleen is rushed down to surgery. I know she isn't going to survive but I'm going to at least have hope that she somehow does.

I slide down the wall and bring my knees to my chest, rocking as the tears fall from my eyes and onto my arm. I close my eyes thinking back to when we were younger. Thinking about how much fun we used to have. Just the three of us.

A nurse with a clipboard walked out of  operating theatre and walked over to me. She sat against the wall next me and sighed.
"I'm sorry miss, we were unable to remove the bullet in time to save your sister." I lifted my head from my knees and lay it against the wall behind me. Tears falling down my cheek as the nurse comforts me.


I wake up and notice I'm not in the hospital. Or back at the house. I sit up slowly, before looking at my surroundings. I was finally back. I had a second chance. A chance to fix everything and prevent anything bad from happening.

I'm going to make everything go right. Some things might change drastically. But we can work around it.

I jumped up out of bed and ran to the window, looking out to see the willow tree, slightly swaying with the breeze. Because of that willow tree my life changed drastically. Who would've thought that a 6 year old girl would fall out of a tree one day and bleed to death then when at the hospital I'd wake up screaming?

"Holly! Do you want to play Barbie with me?" I turn and see Colleen, still half asleep sitting on top of her bed with her legs crossed. I run over to her and hug her tightly. Not wanting to ever let go. "Yes or no?"

We had been playing Barbie for a few hours and had started making houses with Lego before going downstairs to have something to eat. After carefully eating my lunch, avoiding any chances of death, Will knocks the door.
"Do you want to come play in the forest?"
"Not today Will. Do you want to play Lego with us?"
"Please!" Will runs up the stairs following behind me and Colleen. Wow. I've missed everything being this easy. 



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