•~• Chapter 68 •~•

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(JJ's POV)

"Her name was Colleen Kelly." As soon as Jacob said those five words my pain turned into anger. She's ruining all our lives. First by Chaz and then by Holly. Next time I see her I'm going to question her but that's not going to be today. Today is Chaz's day. Nobody is going to ruin it.

(Holly's POV)

The party just started so I was soon to sing. I went over to the bar and grabbed a glass of water. As I turned around I saw JJ and he looked annoyed as if something was bothering him. I grabbed another drink and went over to him.
"Hey what's up?" I ask as I sit down handing him the drink.
"It was Colleen." He bluntly replies, taking the from me.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused as to what he meant.
"It's her fault. She paid the drunk driver." Why would anyone in the right state of mind pay someone to kill someone else?
"Where is she?!" I looked around the room looking for the pink haired bitch otherwise known as my sister.
"Just leave it Hol. Today is for Chaz, tomorrow I'll question her." He sounds really exhausted.
"Ok, but why did she go for Chaz out of all of us? Did they know each other before?" I checked the time. There was five minutes until I sang.
"Before me and Chaz were together, her ex, Jacob. He was the leader of a gang. He persuaded Chaz to join and when she joined she was always forced to get alcohol and drugs for them. She was one of the two girls in the gang. The other was Colleen. I overheard Jacob talking to Chaz's brother, Mike, about it earlier. He said Colleen hated her and was always begging him to get rid and of her. But he clearly didn't do she did it herself." Both me and JJ were crying.
"That's twisted. I'm glad to be leaving tomorrow. And if you ever need to escape for a while I'm sure Heidi won't mind you coming to America for a while."
"Thank you Holly, you don't understand how much we all appreciate you. You've ignored what's happened the past seven years and brought us all closer than we were. God knows how we're all going to cope after tomorrow. Now go, get ready to do what you do best." He practically pushed me off the seat.
"Thank you JJ. And you'll be one of the first to know when I get back." I smiled and turned to start walking but was held back by JJ who had grabbed my wrist.
"Who'll be the first?" He probably already knew the answer.
"A certain person who I've known for a very long time." He raises an eyebrow at me and we both start laughing.
"Does this person happen to be your ex who kissed your sister and is responsible for what is going to be a huge bump in your stomach?" I shook my head and walked away smiling. "So I'm right then?" I carried on walking away because if not I'd forget about singing and just talk all night.


Remember how I said about uploading a chapter once a day in December until Christmas? Well, the update on that is that I still will but it won't just be this book it will be including a few of the books I have in my drafts.

I'll put in which books I'll be updating on which day in the next chapter.

Byeeeee 😘

•~• Charli •~•

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