•~• Chapter Six •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

I could feel someone shaking me.
"Please. Please wake up baby girl. I'm sorry".
I wanted to wake up but I couldn't. It's like my eyes are glued shut and my body is tied to the bed.
A few minutes later I heard a door open.
"Hello Temi". Wait! What the hell is Temi doing here?!
"Hey. Can I have some time alone with Holly please"?
"Yes sure. I'll be outside".

"Hey Holly, I know you can hear me and I know you will wake up from this coma. You're invincible after all. I heard what happened with your dad. We all did. It was on the news a few days ago." Wait how long have I been here for?
"The girls all think that part of it is their fault. I've tried telling them it's not. They aren't listening though. I've caught Ellie and Molly self harming a few times. I need your help. Please wake up Hol. I need you. We all do". I could hear her crying. I wanted to wake up. To hug her. Hug my old best friend.

I tried so much to move. To let Temi know I miss her. That I want to help.
I heard a phone ringing. Temi must have hesitated to answer because it was ringing for a while. 

"Hello?" I couldn't hear what the other person was saying so I had to rely on Temi to find out who it was.
"Yes. I'll be back soon I'm just visiting Holly."
"Something happened at the start of last week". I've been here for over a week?! What about prom?
"Her dad came back after 8 years he went to the park with her and the police found out he was back and he knocked her unconscious and he ran away".

I needed to wake up. I know where he is.

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