•~• Chapter Twenty Seven •~•

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(Holly-Marie's POV)

"Who wants to come shopping?" I ask as I walk back into the living room.
"What for?"
"Outfits for Vegas and Nando's", I knew most of them would say no to outfit shopping so I said about Nando's to drag them all along.
"Who could say no to Nando's?"
"Let's go!"
"One thing first before we go Nando's. Chaz what are you eating?"
"Jumbo platter obviously!"
"Well we best get going as we're going to be there for a while".

I had brought two outfits for everyday, a few pairs of shoes, some jewellery and a bag pack.
"Right kids, who is ready for Nando's".
"A. Majority of us are older than you and B. When aren't we ready for Nando's?"
"I don't care whether you are older or not, I will still call you a kid or chicken".
"Fine. But if we are kids I will race you to Nando's".
"Alright. Can someone hold the bags please?"
Me and Simon race off to Nando's and he gets stopped by a group of fans. I stop and wait as if I carried on it wouldn't be fair. As the fans walk off we start to run again and I win. When he gets to Nando's he sits on the bench and starts to sulk.
"Don't cry. It's nothing serious you just got beat by a girl". I start laughing and everyone catches up with us.
"Who won?"
"Obviously me. This bitch is sulking". Everyone starts to laugh and I see a woman walking with her kids stare at me.  "Oh god. It happened again". The boys all look at us confused and I tell them the story about last Nando's trip.

We had ordered our food and just talking about the Vegas trip and the proposal (which pretty much everyone else forgot about).
"How much does this Vegas trip cost?"
"About £1,456 for the plane tickets. I don't know about hotels yet".
"We're paying for our tickets".
"No it's fine. It's a thank you present to you guys. For being there. After my moms death."
"No we are paying. That money is for you. We don't care what you say we will still pay for them."

We had got our meals 25 minutes ago and we were mostly finished just a few people had a few chips or pieces of chicken left. Except for Chaz, she still had 2 whole chickens left.
"If you don't hate try up we will eat it for you", Jj went to grab a piece of the chicken and Chaz slapped his hand.
"Piss off!"
"Hurry up then."
"As the great Mr Bull from Peppa Pig once said 'it'll take as long as it will take'."
"Why do you know Peppa Pig quotes".
"Peppa Pig is entertaining. Leave her alone".
"This is why I call you kids."


•~• Charli •~•

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