•~• Chapter 66 •~•

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(JJ's POV)

Today's the day. The last day to say goodbye. The last time I'm ever going to see Chaz for the rest of my life.

(Holly's POV)

JJ said we weren't allowed to wear black as Chaz would want us to celebrate her life and not to mourn over her death. We all decided that our outfits would link to our favourite memories with Chaz. I went for one of the dresses she brought me from America.

 I went for one of the dresses she brought me from America

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Holly's Angels

Stay strong for us today Hol, we'll see you later x

Focus on the celebration of Chaz's life. Ignore Will x

Make sure everyone is celebrating. It's horrible what has happened but do you think Chaz would've liked to see you like this?

Thank you girls xx
See you at the party xx

See you soon x

Stay smiling xx

See you again later xx

"Coming!" I grab my bag and take a deep breath. I know Will is going to be downstairs but I need to focus today on Chaz and saying goodbye to everyone.

I slowly walk downstairs not wanting to face all the sad faces but as I reach the floor everyone comes together in a giant group hug.
"We can get through today guys. We just need to stay positive." We broke apart and everyone was looking at me.
"Guys, you're going to make it harder to say goodbye tomorrow."
"Please don't leave." The girls had been non-stop begging me to stay since I said I was leaving. They knew I wouldn't change my mind. But they didn't know that I was protecting them from Colleen.

"Holly,  can I talk to you about something please." That was the first time Will had spoke since I had came down.
"I suppose. Guys if the cars arrive we're upstairs." I walk upstairs as quick as I could as I really didn't want to get stressed over this today.
"Why are you leaving? You could've just asked and I would have went instead."
"I can't separate you from these guys. You've been friends with them for longer than I have."
"That's not the only reason."
"Remember how you said that after Colleen kissed you she said revenge?"
"Yes...." He said down on the chair opposite my bed whilst waiting for my reply.
"She phoned me yesterday and said she is causing pain to me to see how I like being left with nobody. If I'm still here she'll hurt all of you. If I'm gone she won't."
"Do you want me to talk to her?"
"No. Please don't. She said not to tell anyone. You're the only one who knows."
"Ok. Does anyone else know about what happened?"
"Just the three girls. They noticed I was upset whilst messaging so I told them. I'm really going to miss them."
"We're all going to miss you."
Guys! The cars are here!" I hugged Will and thanked him for everything.
"You'll be the first to know when I come back."


•~• Charli •~•

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