•~• Chapter 74 •~•

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I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep after trying for hours. I know I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep so I grab my phone and earphones.

I go onto YouTube and watch my old videos that I've filmed with the girls. I click onto my favourite video. The Spanish video.

Everyone was smiling. Especially Chaz. But she was smiling most because she won free Nando's.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I don't bother wiping it away. If only I could take it back to this day. We were all happy. And alive.

After watching a few more videos I got a notification. It was a text from Will.

Go to sleep.
How did you know I was awake?
I don't know to be honest. I just had a feeling.
Oh ok....
How is everyone?
We're alright I guess. Everyone has been really quiet since you left.
How are you and Heidi?
And how was the plane journey?
We're doing fine.
Whilst on the plane I had a nightmare and the person next to me helped me calm down. Turns out he was my grandad. We spent the rest of the journey talking and I found out my grandma is also invincible. So I'm going to visit her some time this week because she's in hospital.
Tell everyone that I miss them too but they need to remember that I'm here to keep them safe. It was my fault with Chaz's death. I'm not going to let anyone else get hurt. Because I know it will be Colleens fault and she'll blame it on me. As soon as she's gone I'll be back.
How long did it take to calm down? And do you want to talk about the nightmare?
That's great news about finding your grandparents!
It didn't take too long to calm down. I got him to tell me about the picture he was holding and that's when I found out that the picture was of him, my grandma and my mom.
I don't want to talk about the nightmare right now but another time I will, sorry
It's fine Hol, you don't have to apologise.
I believe I messaged you to tell you to sleep. So now you can try to go to sleep because I will ignore your messages, and I'll ask Heidi to check whether you are sleeping.
I'll go to sleep but can you FaceTime me  and just talk until I fall asleep.
Alright, I'll FaceTime you now

Incoming FaceTime call
~~~ Will ~~~
Accept       Decline

Call accepted.

"Hey," I unplug my earphones so I can hear him properly. "What're you doing?"
"Nothing at the minute. I was supposed to have a meeting but they cancelled an hour ago. I might plan some future videos for the new year." I could feel myself slowly closing my eyes as I listened to Will ramble on about the most random things.




~ Charli ~

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