Personal for alyssa

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Alyssa's POV
I was hanging out with my best friend Luke when he asked if he could invite his friend Ashton over and I said "yeah sure." He said "sweet thanks." Then he texted him that he could come over and I went upstairs and got dressed nicer cause little did Luke know I have a giant crush on Ashton once I was done I walked downstairs and saw both of them I smiled and said "hi ash." He said "hey Alyssa you look beautiful as always?" I blushed and Luke smirked at me I rolled my eyes and said "shut up."He said "I didn't say a word." I said "I know what you're thinking." Then we just chilled the rest of the day that is until Ashton said "hey Alyssa can I talk to you for a moment?" I said "yeah sure." We went into the kitchen and he said "listen Alyssa I know you're Luke's Best friend but I can't help my feelings for you do you think that you could give me a chance and go out to get Starbucks with me?" I smiled and said "yeah I'll give you a chance that would be amazing." Luke said "have fun you two." I rolled my eyes knowing that Luke heard that whole thing then you and Ashton were off to Starbucks you guys spent hours there and then headed back to Luke's house Ashton said "I had fun." I said "I did too." Then he hugged you and said "well I should be going home I'll see you tomorrow?" I said "yeah you will." Then he smiled and said "sweet see you then." Then he left you smiled so happy that today went perfectly you walked in and Luke said "have fun?"he had a smirk on his face  I said "yeah I did." He said "that's good he's good for you and I don't say that about many guys that you want to date but he makes you truly happy." I was so happy he said that I gave him a hug and said "thank you." Then I went to shower and got my pjs on and spent the rest of the night with Luke watching movies and of course texting Ashton I loved my life this is everything I've ever dreamed of.

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