BSM: your boyfriend sneaks into your room and another boy catchs him

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Luke:(age:16): you were just chilling in your room when you heard someone breaking into your room your first instinct was to hit them so you grabbed a pillow even know you knew that wouldn't do shit the person came in turned out it was your boyfriend max he looked at you and said "really a pillow?" And laughed you hit him with it and said "you scared the shit out of me you can't be here." He said "and why is that is there another guy here?" You didn't realize crystal and Sierra where here until you heard their voice said "no she wouldn't do that but I wouldn't put it past you." They stood there with their arms cross he said "ladies I would never." You said "I didn't invite him over he just showed up and climbed in scaring me." He said "and she was going to hit me with a pillow." They laughed and said "a pillow really?" You rolled your eyes and said "but seriously you need to leave you know how much trouble I could get in?" He was about to say something when some one says "well he's still here isn't he." It was Michael he had his arms cross max said "I'll be leaving." And ran straight into Michael he said "I would go back out the window if you don't want to get caught." He said with a smirk He said "you're smart I'm dumb bye." Then he left you looked at Michael he said "your secret is safe with me." Zipping his lips and walking away you followed and said "thank you he's such a idot sometimes." Michael said "you're telling me that." You laughed and headed downstairs to hang with them.

Ashton:(age:17): your boyfriend cheated on you or that's what you thought so you didn't want to see him again but did that stop him? no it didn't he snuck into your room through your window you said "you need to leave the boys will be back and will kill you I told them what you did." He said "just let me explain ok." You said "fine quick before they come." He said "ok um do they have to be here?" Looking at Crystal and Sierra they were with you with their eyes narrowed and arms cross they said "yes we do ." Crossing their arms He rolled his eyes and sighed and said "fine the reason I was with that girl is because she was helping me find something for you for Christmas." You said "oh I'm sorry I thought other wise." He said "it's ok so we're good." You smiled and pulled him in and kissed him and said "yeah we're good now bye cause if any of the boys catch you you'll be dead." Then a voice you knew to well said "oh I see him and I heard the whole thing so we're cool don't know about the others thought." It was Calum he was at the door leaning on it  your boyfriend said "that's my que to leave." He went through the window again cal said "your little secret is safe with me." As he walked in You smiled then the others came in and you guys watched movies for the rest of the night.

Calum:(age:18): you were waiting for the boys to come back with the girls they were getting food for you guys then someone walked in you thought it was them turned out it was just liam you said "what are you doing here you know how much trouble we'll get in?" He said "it's wroth it I needed to see you. I missed you."while he wraps his arms around you You smiled and kissed him you said "I missed you too but I serouisly don't want this to end badly." He said "don't worry it won't." Then someone said "well this is a nice thing to walk into I thought you were single?" It was Ashton giving you a look you said "Please don't tell the others." He said "I won't if he's out in a couple of seconds." Liam said "will do I'll go out the back." Then he was out ashton said "your secret is safe." Then the other walked in you smiled at ash happy he wouldn't tell the others.

Michael:(age:19): you were home alone taking a nap when someone walked in waking you up  it was harry you said "what are you doing here?" He said "I missed you." You smiled and said "I missed you too but you have to leave before the boys come back." Then someone said "to late for that." It was Luke harry said "well that's my que see ya." Then he was out the window Luke said "I won't tell don't worry I saw nothing." You smiled and walked downstairs with him where the others were you guys just chilled for the rest of the day crystal and Sierra where there too.

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