BSM: you get kidnapped

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Luke:(age:12): you were outside with your friends when all of sudden someone came behind you and took you, you tired to scream but they covered your mouth and put you in the back of a van then they put a blindfold on your eyes. When they took it off you were in a basement you couldn't move you were tied to a chair you saw someone you knew to well it was Arzela you tried to yell at her she came over to you and took off the bandanna that was in your mouth you said "you monster why the hell would you do this." She said "I only did this to see if your brother will give me more money." You said "he won't but this is the lowest point that you've went he's going to put you in jail you physco." She rolled her eyes and said "you talk to much shut up." You rolled your eyes and said "please let me go." She said "nah." You said "if you find me annoying then let me go." She said "Then your brother won't come here." Then a voice that you knew to well said "I'm here let her go you're not getting my money we are pressing charges on you for this." She huffed and crossed her arms and the police came in and untied you and took her she said "this isn't the last of me." You said "I think it is." Then the police took her out and Luke hugged you and said "she didn't hurt you right?" You said "no I'm fine she was getting on my nerves thought." He said "you and me both." Then you guys headed out and saw the others crystal said "oh my gosh are you ok?" You said "yeah I'm fine." Then you guys headed home and just chilled the rest of the day and Luke never let you out of his sight ever.

Ashton:(age:13): you were walking around the mall when someone came up behind you and took you away from your friends who you were with and put you in the back of a van then they blindfolded you and taped your mouth shut when they took the blindfold off you were in a basement then they slowly took off the tape it was Bryanna you said "I thought we were friends." She said "we are but I need more money and I know this is how your brother is going to give it to me." Then you heard a voice that you knew to well say "let her go you're not getting any of my money." She said "but Ashton." He said "no and we are pressing charges on you for doing this." The police took her away and untied you and Ashton hugged you and said "are you hurt?" You said "no I'm fine." Then you guys walked out of the house and saw the boys Serria and Crystal said "are you ok?" You said "yeah I'm fine she didn't hurt me I'm ok." Then you guys headed home and Ashton never let you out of his sight for the whole day which you were fine with.

Calum:(age:14): you were walking home from the store when someone took you you tried to scream but nothing came out only a rag was put on your mouth and then a blindfold when they took the blindfold off you were in a basement and faced with a girl she took the rag out of your mouth you said "if you're a fan you're not a fan cause fans don't do this." She said "shut up I just want your brother but this is the only way I'm going to meet him." You said "there's other ways he's going to hate you now and press charges on you for kidnapping his little sister." She rolled her eyes and said "I realized that now but what other choice did I have." You said "I don't know why don't you get a job and save your money." She said "that's what I've been doing it's not working for me."the police came in and arrested her and untied you and you walked out and ran to Calum he caught you and said "are you ok? Are you hurt?" You said "yeah I'm fine I'm not hurt don't worry." Then he took you home and didn't let you out of his sight ever and you stayed close to him too worried it would happen again but you know you are safe now with the boys and your brother here by your side.

Michael:(age:15): you were at a movie and the movie finished you walked out and someone grabbed you and put you in a van you could see the whole thing but couldn't scream cause they put a rag in your mouth then they took you out and put you in a basement they took the rag out of your mouth you said "who are you?" Then you realized who it was it was Abigail you said "girl get over it it's been so long." She said "yeah but I need money." Then someone said "well now you don't and you're going to jail we're pressing charges how could you go this low." She said "how else was I suppose to get to you." He said "I never want to see you again or be near you again." Then they took her away he said "are you ok?" You said "yeah I'm fine." Then he took you out to where the others were you said "I'm fine she didn't hurt me or touch me at all." Crystal said "good she's crazy." You said "you got that right." Then you guys headed home and you didn't leave anyone's side the rest of the day afraid that something like that would happen again and you guys just watched tv for the rest of the day and just chilled.

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