BSM You have a nightmare about another boy

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Luke:(age:12): you woke up with a fright and you were breathing heavily your heart was pounding out of your chest, and you were sweating you just had a nightmare about Calum that someone killed him and it felt so real you were really hoping it wasn't true you walked down stairs and saw 3 boys but not Calum that made you panic you said "guys were's Calum?" They said "in the bathroom." You said "are you sure he's in the bathroom?" Luke said "yeah he's in there where else would he be." You said "are you sure he's in there?" Then Calum came out and said "yeah I was in there what's up with you?" You sighed in relief and hugged him he hugged you back Confused the boys just shrugged not knowing what was going on then you sat on his lap and he said "what's up with you?" You said "I had a nightmare about you I thought you were dead cause you died in my dream and I thought it was real cause when I walked down here you weren't here and that freaked me out." He said "don't worry I'll be here for a long time." You smiled and then fell back to sleep on his lap he didn't move he knew that you just wanted him in that moment.

Calum:(age:13): you screamed and said "LUKE!!!" You heard mutiple footsteps running up and then saw all the boys plus Luke you sighed in relief and ran to him he hugged you tightly and said "it was just a nightmare you're ok I'm safe you're safe I'm here." You said "but it felt so real I thought I lost you." You were crying by now and shaking he said "hey you'll never lose me ever want us to sing to you?" You nodded and then he carried you into bed and Luke climbed in next to you then they sung to you and you wanted Luke to stay so he stayed until you were fully asleep he smiled happy that you cared about him that much that you never wanted to lose him ever.

Michael:(age:14): you screamed and ran down stairs and said "where's Ashton?!?!" They said "he went out to get a movie what's up?" You we're heavily breathing and said "how long ago was that?!?!" They said "a couple of minutes ago he hasn't been gone long." You said "he needs to come back ASAP I just had a nightmare that he got in a car accident and died I don't want that to come true." You were starting to panic and have a panic attack thinking it really happen then Ashton walked in and you ran to him he caught you and said "hey yn what's this for?" You said "I'm happy you're alive I thought you died cause I had a nightmare that you did." He brought you over to the couch and said "you won't lose me any time soon don't worry." Then you guys watched movies the rest of the night and you didn't leave Ashton's side the whole night you weren't taking you chance.

Ashton:(age:15): you screamed and said "Michael!!" And ran out of the room and downstairs as fast as you could you didn't see michael there you said "where's Michael!!!!" Then he walked out from the kitchen you ran to him he hugged you and said "it was just a dream." You said " more like a nightmare." He said "I'm ok look at me I'm fine." You said "and I'll make sure of it I'm staying with you guys." Crystal was there and said "ok even know you know he's fine and he will always be fine cause he has me." You said "I know I'm still staying up not taken my chance and of course I know he's safe with you you're the love of his life." the boys chuckled the girls said "she cares about you guys so much it's adorable." They said "yeah she does she's the best." You smiled and said "I care about everyone in this room." They smiled then you guys watched movies the rest of the night and you were with Michael the whole time not leaveing his side at all.

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