Imagine you get sick in front of the boys

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Luke: you were hangout with Luke and the boys plus crystal your stomach has been werid all day but you didn't think anything of it and you were drinking on top of that which didn't help your stomach. Then all of Sudden your stomach turned you ran to the bathroom and everything came back up Luke was right there with you holding your hair back he rubbed your back and said "you ok?" You said "yeah I'm fine." Then walked back out think you were done you then chilled with the boys Luke got you a garbage can crystal said "are you sick?" You said "no something just didn't agree with my stomach." Then you continued to drink even know Luke told you not too, but you said you were fine but boy where you wrong cause all of it came back up with Luke holding your hair he put a hair tie in your hair you were so embarrassed once you were done you hid your face in Luke he hugged you and said "shhh you're ok let's get you home yeah?" You nodded you were crying by now from embarrassment before you left crystal pulled you away from Luke and said "hey it happens to everyone we just hope you feel better there is no need to feel embarrassed ok?" She hugged you You nodded then Luke took you home and he took care of you turned out you had a bug.

Calum: he told you not to go over broad tonight with the drinking and you said you wouldn't but then crystal and sierra wanted to take shots so you did and same with Michael,Ashton and Luke too so you did that you were going to take another one when Calum took it from you and said "I think you had enough." He drunk it himself then you were about to say your fine but then you got sick all over the floor in front of everyone you were so embarrassed you just walked away Calum plus the others followed Calum grabbed you before you could leave he said "hey it happens to everyone." He hugged you Michael said "yeah yn we shouldn't have overdone you we're sorry we forgot how much of a light weight you were." You laughed and said "it's ok I wanted too do it it was my choice and I over did it I just feel so embarrassed now." You started crying Calum hugged you and said "let's get you home yeah?" You nodded then you guys headed home when you got back you showered and got your pjs on and went to sleep.

Ashton: you were sleeping on Ashton on the couch you weren't feeling well at all the boys and girls where over you were just sleeping when all of a sudden your stomach turn and you got sick into the bucket that Ashton put next to you he held your hair back when you were done you cried into Ashton he said "shhh you're ok it's ok." He rubbed your back You didn't want to move your face Sierra said "yn you have nothing to be embarrassed about it happens to everyone we get it your not feeling well it happens to the best of us."You nodded not wanting to leave Ashton's warm chest you ended up falling back to sleep like that and he had his arms wrapped around you the whole time.

Michael: He had the boys over plus Sierra you just woke up from a nap and your stomach wasn't doing well at all you walked down stairs and sat next to him then you stomach decided not to work with you and you got sick into the trash that was next to the couch Michael held your hair once you were done you said "I'm so sorry boys that you had to see that." Luke said "it's fine it happens to everyone you're fine now right?" You nodded then you laid down on Michael's lap and fell asleep for the rest of the day.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now