Imagine you fall down the stairs and hurt yourself badly

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Luke: you were with crystal walking around the mall when you were talking to her you didn't realize there were stairs and you stepped down and then tripped over your own foot and fell down the flight of stairs she gasped and ran down them and said "oh my gosh are you ok the boys are going to kill me." You goran and said "yeah I'm fine." You got up but then you felt dizzy and your back hurt and same with the rest of your body she said "we need to get you home." You said "ok." Already about to pass out she carried you since you were small and put you in the car and then she drove you home the boys were there she helped you in and Luke saw how you were and ran over to you and took you from crystal he said "what the hell happened?" Crystal said "she tripped over her own feet and fell down a flight of stairs and hit her head." He laid you on the couch and you passed out you woke up and Luke sighed in relief you goran and you said " what happened?" Luke said "you fell down the stairs." You goran having bruises all over your body now Luke didn't allow you to move a muscle until you were 100% better.

Calum: you were with crystal and Sierra you guys were at a water park headed up concrete stairs and you tripped and fell hard you were in so much pain crystals and Sierra gasped and said "are you ok?" You said "yeah I'm fine let's go up." You didn't want to ruin the day you tried to get up but couldn't crystal and Sierra helped you up and said "you're not ok let's go fine someone who can help us." They helped you to the lifeguard who gasped when she saw your legs they were beat up pretty bad she cleaned them and it stung crystal and Sierra stayed with you but told the boys what happen so they were there in a moment Calum came rushing over to you and you just cried he said "shh you're going to be ok how bad is it?" The girl said "not as bad as you think just a couple of cuts that's all." He said "babe you got to be more careful." Hugging you You said "I'll try." Then after you were done you guys headed home and Calum helped you until you were better.

Ashton: you were up in your and Ashton's room when you heard Ashton's voice with 3 others you gasped cause you knew the boys were there and you haven't seen them in so long cause you were in school you ran to the stairs but was going to fast and fell down the stairs face first and hit your head you got up quickly Ashton said "what the hell did you just do?" You said "I fell down the stairs but I'm fine." He said "your head says other wise go sit down on the couch as I clean you up." You sat on the couch and the boys stayed with you as Ashton cleaned your head it wasn't that bad so you didn't need to go to the hospital he just put a bandage on your head. Then the rest of the day you guys just chilled and relaxed and talked.

Michael:Serria took your phone and she ran down the stairs is you did the same accept you being your clumsy self fell down the stairs instead and hurt your ankle Serria said "holy shit yn are you ok?" You said "no I hurt my ankle." Serria said "I'll go get Michael." She ran into the living room and Michael then came running in and picked you up and said "no more running downstairs." You said "ok I won't I'll be more careful." He got ice for your ankle and then sat with you for the rest of the day and the boys stayed with you for the rest of the day.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now