Imagine you fangirl over him and the boys

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Luke:you were with your friends watching tv when ghost of you started playing you and your friends gasped and then started sobbing and singing the boys weren't there thank gosh that's until they walked in a couple of minutes later and saw you girls in this state Luke said "babe are you ok?" And rushed over to you You shook your head and said "no I'm definitely not ok I hate you boys for doing this to me." They were so confused your friend said "just look at the tv." And pointed to the tv they chuckle and luke hugged you and kissed your forehead and said "I love you." and kissed your head You said "I love you too." Crystal said "fangirls." You said "Like you don't when Michael comes on." She said "that's different." You rolled your eyes and then cuddled with Luke the rest of the night and your friends just chilled with you guys and same with crystal and the boys.

Ashton: you were cooking food for the party you guys were having and talking to the one direction boys and then the one song that you loved came on amnesia you gasped and almost dropped the knife but you placed it down and said to the 1D boys "I'm leaving bye make sure the food doesn't burned." They were so confused ash was talking to his mom when you walked out and said "bye I'm leaving cause you boys want to kill me." He was so confused niall and the others walked out and said "amnesia came on and she just walked out." Ashton laughed and said "I'm I dating a fan girl?" You said "maybe bye." And went upstairs but not before running into crystal and Sierra plus Eleanor too they said "what did you do?" You said "it was 5sos." Crystal and Sierra looked at the boys and they said "amnesia came on." They said "ohhh." And smirked at you you said "bye." Then went to your room then you walked out and continued to cook you said "I didn't want the food to burn that doesn't mean I'm not mad at you guys." They chuckled and Ashton kissed your neck and said "you love us." You smiled and groaned and said "I honestly do I serouisly don't know what I would do without you boys." Then you continued cooking.

Calum: you and your friends were chilling when youngblood came on you and your friends looked at eachother and then started dancing like crazy that's when the boys and Calum walked in Of course they looked at you guys you turned around and saw them and stopped you said "I was not fangirling." They said "ok fangirl." You laughed and ran into Calum's arms he caught you and picked you up you kissed his lips your friends took pictures then you smiled and got down and went back to your friends you guys hungout the rest of the day.

Michael:Sierra and you were at a club and why won't you love me came on and you freaked and started going crazy the boys saw and laughed you said "I hate you guys bye love ya." They just chuckled then you guys enjoyed the rest of the night the loved your fangirl moment and you were smiling at them the whole time happy to be with them.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now