BSM:they catch you dancing

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Luke:(age:11): you were in your room blasting music and dancing when there was a knock at your door then when the person heard no answer they walked it turned out it was the boys and Luke you turned around and saw them and screamed and turned off your music you said "don't you guys know how to knock?" Luke said "I did you didn't answer Miss spinny." You said "oh sorry I got into my music." Ash said "we saw and you're actually good." You said "thanks what's up?" They said "we're heading to dinner." You said "awesome." Then you guys left and headed to the restaurant.

Calum:(age:12): you and your friends were working on homework but then it turned into a dance session you guys were dancing and didn't hear your brother or the boys knocking the walked in and cal said "guess their done with homework." You turned around and screamed then turned off the music you said "what's up boys?" Cal said "we were wondering if you guys want to come watch a movie with us but we see you guys are to busy dancing." The others laughed you said "we would love too and what do I say I love to dance." Then you guys headed downstairs and watched a movie with them.

Ashton:(age:13): you were practicing your dance for your dance competition the boys walked in and same with the girls they were watching you cause you didn't realize they were there and you didn't hear the door open or close then at the end they clapped you jumped and said "you guys scared me." Crystal said "we didn't want to ruin the moment you were amazing." You said "thanks I'm so excited for this solo." Ash said "keep it up you're doing great." Then you took a break to hangout with them for the rest of the night.

Michael:(age:14): you and your dance partner were practicing for the show in your basement when the boys girls and Michael came down they were watching you guys were so into it you didn't even notice them until they clapped you turned around and bowed they laughed you said "all yours." They said "that was amazing." You said "thanks we've been practicing a lot." Michael said "you guys are totally going to win." You said "hell ya we are." Then you guys chilled with them for the rest of the night.

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