BSM they catch your boyfriend cheating on you

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Luke:(age:15): you were watching tv when the front door slammed open and the boys plus your boyfriend who was beat up walked in you gasped and jumped up off the couch and said "Luke why did you do this to him what did he do to deserve this!!"He said "we caught him cheating on you with another girl who was supposely your friend but obviously she's not your friend." Your now ex boyfriend said "I'm sorry I didn't think you would find out or they would at less." You said "just leave and never come near me again I don't want to see ya face ever again and really you think I would never find out of course I would and of course they would just leave." Luke through him out the door and then came over to you and hugged you tightly and said "you don't need him." You said "I don't need him I got you boys thank you for that." He smiled and said "we'll always be here to protect you." You smiled happy to have a brother like him.

Calum:(age:16): you were at a party with the boys and Calum then Calum came downstairs with your boyfriend who you're pretty sure he beat up you said "why did you beat him up what did he do?" Calum said "we caught him with another girl he was cheating on you." Your ex boyfriend said "I'm sorry." You said "get him out of my sight before I punch him in the face." Calum took him away and then came back to you and said "you alright?" You said "no I feel so used." He hugged you and said "you don't need him you got us he's not wroth your tears." You nodded then you guys went home and just chilled the rest of the night.

Ashton:(age:17): now boys knew never to cheat on you or your brother would kill them but I guess this guy didn't know that cause he did excatly that and Ashton caught him and beat the shit out of him he came down with your now ex and you said "you're stupid you should have known this was coming I told you and you didn't believe me now get out of my sight I never want to see you again." Ashton took him away and then came back to you and said "he wasn't the one for you." You said "yeah he wasn't." Then you guys headed home and just chilled the rest of the day.

Michael:(age:18): he was visiting you at college when he saw your boyfriend with another girl he dragged him to you before beating him up  and said "I caught him cheating on you." You said to your now ex boyfriend "now you have to deal with him and the others have fun." Your ex boyfriend said "I'm sorry."you said "bye." Then Michael let him leave he left and you never wanted to see him again Michael said "you don't need him you got us." You said "yeah excatly." Then you guys just chilled the rest of the day.

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