BSM he forgets to get you from somewhere

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Luke:(age:11): you were at a sleepover and it was the next day all you wanted to do was cuddle with Luke or one of the boys he said last night he would be there in the morning you waited everyone was gone at this point it was just you and your friend since it was her house then you saw a car pull up quickly and Luke Jump out of it quickly he ran over to you and picked you up and hugged he said "I'm so sorry I forgot I was picking you up this morning." You said "it's fine I want to go." He grabbed your things then you guys headed home and spent the day with the boys and him you just watched movies for the rest of the day not leaving his side.

Michael:(age:12): you had volleyball practice and you were now waiting for Michael to come and get you he said he would pick you up after you waited and he still didn't come you tried to call him but he didn't pick up then you saw a car pull up it was Michael you hopped in he said "I'm so sorry I forgot that I had to pick you up." You said "it's fine just take me home please I feel gross." He said "you smell it too." You hit his arm he laughed and then you smiled Then he drove you home you got changed and showered then spent the rest of the day with him and the boys you Guys just chilled.

Ashton:(age:13): he was suppose to pick you up from a concert thank gosh your were his sister and it was a harry styles concert and he waited with you until your brother came even know security was telling him he had to go but he refused to let you stay by yourself knowing your brother would kill him plus you were still young and he knew you were going to be terrified by yourself and he didn't want anything to happen to you,you guys waited for a while then you finally saw a car pull up it was your brother you hugged harry and thanked him for waiting with you he said "no problem." Then you hopped in and ashton thanked harry for staying with you harry said "it was no problem." he got back into the car and said "I lost track of time I'm so sorry I was so busy with the boys that I forgot you where here." You said "it was fine I got more time with harry so I'm not complaining it was the best night of my life." He chuckled then you headed home and got changed and went right to sleep since it was 1:00 in the morning.

Calum:(age:14): you were at a coffee shop with your friends and they all were ready to leave and so were you Calum said he was coming to get you when you were done you waited all of your friends left accept for one who was waiting with you until your brother arrived he finally did you got into the car he said "my bad I lost track of time." You said "it's fine." Then he drove you home and you guys hungout with the guys for the rest of the day.

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