Imagine you're related to one of the boys

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Luke: you were meeting his band mates and best friends for the first time little did he know you and Ashton have known eachother for years cause you guys are family friends and little does he know you were the little girl Ashton always had with him at band practice and at all the concerts as you got older you still went to all the band practices and concerts so that's why when you saw Luke at starbucks and started talking to him you were cool about it and that's how you guys became a thing but you didn't tell Ashton so this should be interesting you told him you were seeing a guy but he didn't know you guys walked into Ashton's house you said "I'm home with a boy." Ashton laughed and so did the others they walked in and Ashton said "wait no way you two are dating." Luke looked at him like he was crazy but then he began to connect the dots he said "wait no way this is little yn who is always with you." You said "I'm not so little anymore and I do grow old too sadly." Luke was dumbfounded and Ashton was too and said "how the fuck didn't you know?" Luke said "I don't know she looks so much older now." You said "does it matter if I love him or I'm I not allowed to be happy and date the love of my life." Ashton said "I approve I'm just shocked he didn't realize." You said "I'm too."luke smiled and said "well now I do I feel so stupid." You laughed and said "I still love you." He smiled then you guys spent the rest of the day together.

Calum: you walked into Michael's house with Calum crystal said "welp this is a surprised." As she saw you and Calum I said "yeah I'll be going." Calum stopped you and said "why is that?" And looked at you you said "well have you ever met his cousins?" Ashton walked in and said "who Michael's yes and I know for a fact you're one of them?" You nervous laughed and looked at Calum he said "no way they are all little." Luke said "dude the last time we saw them they were but by now their around our age." Calum looked at you shocked you said "yup that's me the famous yn who was by Michael's side Every waking moment but now hasn't seen him in years." Calum was speechless he said "wow that's why you were so calm when we met it makes sense she didn't scream she just talked to me normally cause she knew who I was the whole time." You said "yup." Then Michael walked in and said "I see the love your life finally asked you out." Calum said "you knew I was the love of her life?" He said "hell yeah she wouldn't shut up about you she loves you." Calum said "wow I'm surprised you're so chilled about this." He said "you're good for her I've known you for years cal of course I'll let you be with my cousin." You smiled happy he was so chilled with this.

Ashton: you were best friends with Calum since elementary but you guys haven't seen eachother in years and you didn't bother to tell Ashton cause you haven't hungout with him in so long you guys walked into Calum's house it was werid all the memories of this house came back to you then you heard the one voice that you missed so much he said "yn what are you doing here?" You turned around and saw Calum and smiled and said "I'm dating Ashton." Ashton said "you guys know eachother?" Calum said "yeah she's my best friend from elementary how did you afford to come here?" You said "I was here on a school trip and then ended up meeting Ashton talking to him and we started going out I moved here and started living with him." Calum said "this is a dream come true for you." You said "yeah this has always been my dream." You smiled and looked at Ashton he said "so you approve?" Calum said "of course I approve." You smiled happy to have him back in your life.

Michael:(this one will be your related to liam payne): you and Liam where siblings but Michael didn't know that until today when you and him walked into the house and you walked into liam maya Eleanor louis harry and Niall you were shocked you stood at the door way with Michael behind you said "what the actual fuck." Harry said "well nice to see you again to yn." You had a huge smile on your face and ran to them and gave them hugs Michael stood back and stood there awkwardly then he cleared his throat you said "holy shit how can I forget about my boyfriend who is the love of my life and I've always wanted to date and you knew that Michael Gordon Clifford my whole world we met at Harry's concert actually he set us up." Liam looked at harry He said "how was I suppose to know it was your sister she's so old now." You said "hey." He said "you love me." I said "I do." Liam said "I approve Harry's a good match maker as you can tell." Referring to Eleanor and louis you smiled and said "he's really good he should be a dating person." They all laughed then you guys hungout the rest of the day you were happy he approved.

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