Imagine your friend is jelous of you dating him

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Luke: it was the day before you and the boys left for tour and you had your friend over she didn't say anything to you you asked her "what's wrong?" She said "it's nothing honestly."you said "it's something." She sighed and said "you're living your best life and then there is me who's only working at a place I don't even like and I work many hours and you don't have to do shit you just get it all handed to you." You raised a eyebrow at her and said "that's not true I work at the studio and I'm their assistant for this tour." She said "Excatly better than me." You said "are you jelous?" She said "yeah I'm I'm happy for you I just wish I could be you." You said "your life is great too and you wouldn't want to be me." Then she said "yeah I'll see you at the show in 20 days." You said "yeah see ya then." Then she left you walked downstairs and saw the boys and Luke you sat next to him he said "everything ok?" You said "yeah she's just jelous that's all." Luke said "I wouldn't blame her." You smiled then you just chilled with the guys for the rest of the day.

Ashton: you were hangout with the girls plus your friend and your friend didn't say much you said "what's up?" She shrugged you said "do you want to tell me?" She said "it's you that's all I'm jelous of you cause you have all these friends and you are going on tour with them like you're living the life you've Dreamt of and I'm not even half way there." Ashton said since he was by the door with the others "you'll make it there some day it takes time to get where you want to be yeah she's living the best life but you will too someday and she had to work to get where she is today and that's what you're doing." Your friend said "he's right like always I have to go so I'll see ya in 20 days at the show." You said "yeah I'll see ya then". Then she left Ashton gave you a side hug and said "she's just jelous that's all." You said "I know." Then you guys just chilled the rest of the day.

Calum: you were just getting back from the mall and your friend didn't really say much to you after you guys went shopping you said "what's up?" She said "nothing it's just you got a lot more then I did." You said "that shouldn't matter yeah Calum helped me a little but that shouldn't matter to you it doesn't matter how much we get." She said "you're right I guess I'm just jelous that's all." Calum said "you'll find someone don't worry." She said "yeah but not as amazing as you no one can be as good as you." You said "true no one could ever replace him ever." Then your friend left and you just chilled with him and the girls plus the boys too of course.

Michael: you kept beating your friend at the video games you were playing she said "I'm so jelous that you're so good at these like I need someone like Michael." You laughed and said "he is the best but remember I wasn't always this good it takes practice." Then she had to go she left and then you spent the rest of the day with the girls and the boys too playing video games.

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