Imagine you're related to harry styles/know him

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Michael: you guys were heading to your best friends concert but Michael didn't know that the harry styles was your best friend cause you didn't feel like you needed to tell him that you guys got there and headed back stage Michael said "how did you manage to get these he didn't have any meet and greet tickets." You said "I know he gave them to me for free he's my best friend I didn't tell you cause I didn't think it was that important but I guess it is I'm sorry I didn't tell you." He said "it's ok it's good to know your best friends with him keep that friendship strong he's a great guy." You smiled and said "oh I will trust me." Michael smiled and then you guys walked over to him you said hi to him and hugged him you guys hung out and then headed to your seats you wished harry luck and then headed to your seats to enjoy his last show of his tour which you were happy/sad about cause now you have more time to spend with harry but now he's not performing anymore so you made this show his best show.

Calum: he invited Harry over since he was still in la but you didn't know that you walked down in one of Calum's shirt you just woke up so your hair was a mess and saw harry drinking his coffee with Calum you yawned and waved and said "oh hi harry." Grabbing a cup of coffee yourself Calum was surprised you were so calm he said "are you ok?" You said "yeah I'm fine why?" He said "cause most girls would be freakin out right now cause the harry styles is in their house you do know who he is right and they would fix their clothes and hair and everything." You shrugged your shoulders and sipped your coffee you said "I've known him for years so to me it's not that big of a deal I didn't tell you cause I kind of forgot and yeah I know who he is I mean who doesn't." Harry glared at you and said "how can you forget your brother well not actually brother but I'm like a brother to you and how can you forget to tell me something this big?" You said "I told you I just didn't say who but now you both know I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys." They said "it's fine." Then you guys hungout the rest of the day and just chilled which you haven't gotten to do in such a long time with harry you smiled happy to have him here and Calum of course.

Ashton: you walked in with crystal plus serria and saw harry with the boys you gasped and dropped your bag and said "ash you gotta warn me when my cousin is coming over yes I'm a styles I didn't tell you cause I knew you would freak out and I didn't want to lose you or Harry and I didn't want to ruin you guys friendship." Harry said "yn I approve just don't hide anything else from me or him got it?" You said "yeah I got it I won't do it again I'm sorry." They said "it's fine." Then you guys hungout the rest of the day you were so happy Harry approves of you guys you were he was happy for the two of you.

Luke:you were harry styles family friend so when he was at Luke's house you weren't expecting that you said "oh hi h." He said "hi didn't know you were dating Luke." You said "yeah I'm I'm sorry that I didn't tell you I was afraid." He said "it's fine I approve he's good for you better than your last one." You smiled and said "yeah he's so much better than my last one I actually love him I didn't actually love my last one." Harry said "I could tell." You smiled happy that he approved of you guys you were so happy he loved you guys together cause you guys were so happy together and you never wanted this to end ever.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now