BSM: your friend lies to you

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Luke:(age:15): your friend or your boyfriend weren't answering any of your text messages or calls they were suppose to come over tonight to hangout with you you were waiting for them but no shows and they didn't tell you they weren't coming or they canceled a couple minutes later they both arrived together which you found werid you said "why did you guys come together?" Giving them a werid look your friend said "we just got here at the same time we didn't come together our parents just drop us off at the same time." You believed her you said "ok then why were you both late I told you guys what time to come over and you guys didn't give me any explanation." You said with crossed arms your boyfriend said "I'm sorry I had to help my mom with something." You looked at your friend she said "I had to watch my siblings." You believed them again not thinking anything of it until the girls plus the boys walked in and crystal said "oh hell no you guys did not just show up here when we just caught you guys making out in your parents car as they were getting something from the store." You looked at both of them and said "is that true?!?!" Your "friend" said "well um no she seeing things." Sierra said "then why the hell did I see it too." She said with her hands on her hips, your boyfriend said "so that means the boys saw it too." They walked in and luke said "hell yeah we did if you want to live I would leave now if you want to end up in the hospital then stay." You said "how could you do this me wow what friends you are for lying to me have a good life you two I think you should stay so they can beat the shit out of you or so I can." Your friend was going to go after you the girls said "don't even try just leave both of you now." They both left the boys plus the girls came up as you cried Luke crawled in next to you and picked you up and put you on his lap he said "you don't need people like them you got us." You nodded cause he was right like usual you spent the rest of the night with them happy to have them in your life.

Calum:(age:16): you were out with the boys and girls at a restaurant enjoying your night until you saw your friend with your boyfriend you gasped the boys and girls saw too the boys wanted to go over you said "no I'll go first."you walked over to them and cleared your throat and stood there with your arms cross your "friend" said "oh yn didn't expect you to be here and boys and girls how are you all." They gave her a fake smile and you said "I was having a fantastic night until I saw this." Your boyfriend said "we're just two friends having a meal together nothing more nothing less just like you are with these handsome men and beautiful ladies." You said "nice try that won't work on them this time you crossed a line and lied about it I can't believe you two have a good life." You left with the boys and girls following you guys headed home and you just sat on the couch and said "they really thought I was that stupid how dare they." Calum said "their not wroth the fight you don't need them in your life." You said "you're right I got you guys that's all I need no one else." Then you guys just watched movies for the rest of the night happy to have them in your life.

Ashton:(age:17): you were walking with your other friends to your locker and saw your boyfriend and so called "friend" at your locker making out you were shocked you walked over and cleared your throat they stopped and said "that wasn't what it seemed like." You said "oh really so you guys weren't just making out in front of my locker." You crosssed your arms he said "she had something on her lips I was helping her." You laughed and said "such a lame lie now move before I hurt you both." They moved out of the way as you grabbed your things and headed to your car with your true friends and headed home you walked in and said "my friend and my boyfriend think I'm stupid." Ashton said "now why would you say that?" You said "I caught them making out in front of my locker and he had the nerves to say oh I was just helping her get something off her lip." Crystal said "that's a terrible lie." You said "I know right I called him out for it." Sierra said "good you don't need either of them you have us and them." You said "hell yeah I do." Then you guys just chilled the rest of the day.

Michael:(age:18): you told your friend and boyfriend that you would be home in a little bit just had to get some lady things you walked in and saw them cuddling you said "what are you guys doing?" They jumped apart quickly he said "she was cold." She said "yeah he was just keeping me warm." You said "that's why they invented blankets." Your "friend" said "oh yeah we know but we um couldn't find any." You said "there is legit one right next to you. You guys can leave I have the boys and girls I don't need you guys I'm not stupid I know what you guys where doing and then you lie to me Just leave." They we're heading towards the door when Michael the boys and girls walked in they looked at you once they left you said "they were cuddling together and then lied to me when I saw them doing it." Luke said "what boyfriend and friend they are." You said "I know right that's why I told them off and told them I didn't need them I got You guys." They said "true that." Then you guys just chilled the rest of the day.

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