BSM him\another boy sees you buying a condom

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Luke:(age:16): you were buying one for your friend who was in a heated make out session with her boyfriend right now it the car and threw money at you and told you to go buy one you rolled your eyes but did it anyways knowing she wasn't willing to do it you walked in and searched for them then you found them and crystal and Sierra where they said "what the hell are you doing in this section?" They said with crossed arms the boys looked at you too you said "it's for my slut of a friend yfn she's making out with her boyfriend and you guys know how that ends she threw money at me and told me to buy her one you guys know for a fact I don't have a boyfriend." Luke said "that's why we thought it was werid and good luck with that or would you rather come home with us after you give her her you know." You said "yeah I'd rather come home then watch them make out." He chuckled you found the right one and paid for it then you headed back to the couple and threw it at them she said "you're the best." You said "I know I'm going with my brother he was in there." Her boyfriend stopped for a moment and said "shit are you grounded?" You said "no cause I told them it was for you guys not me." Your friend shrugged and said "ok whatever see ya around." Then went back to doing what they were doing you rolled your eyes and hopped in Luke's car and hung with them the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:17): you were with your friend and she said "yo buy me one of these." Pointing to the condoms you looked at her and said "you have money?" She said "I spent that all of weed you know that and hbn is coming over tonight we'll definitely need one." You rolled your eyes and said "fine." Then you looked for the one she wanted you found it but heard someone clear their throat it was the girls and boys they looked at you said "it's for yfn." Ashton said "she doesn't have her own money?" You said "what do you think?" Ashton said "this is the last time you're paying for her." You said "yeah it is." Then you paid for it and handed it to her she said "thank you so much I'll pay you back now are you going with your brother or me?" You said "are you going with your boyfriend who happened to be here too?" She looked at him then at you and said "yeah is that ok?" You said "yeah fine with me I'm going with my brother bye." Then they left and you went with the boys and girls and your brother home.

Michael:(age:18): you were finally going to do it with your boyfriend right now you were buying a condom when someone said "yn is going to get it tonight." You looked over and saw the girls plus boys and said "first time for everything." Michael said "good thing you're using protection." You were surprise he was so calm about this and fine with it but you took it then you went to pay for it and then went to the car and did you know what with your boo it was the best time of your life you smiled at the end happy you did it finally.

Calum:(age:19): you're friend was having a make out session with her boo which was going to lead to you know what she made you go buy the condom even know they were at your house but you did it anyways you went to the store and found the isle of course you run into the girls and boys they gave you a werid look you said "it's for yfn and her boo don't worry I don't have anyone never will with you guys." They chuckled then you went to pay for it and then you went back to your house and threw it at them she said thanks and then continued you said "couldn't go to the car and do it?" She said "nope we're good here." Then they continue you sighed and then went up to your room not wanting to watch them anymore do what they were doing.

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