Imagine your friends don't Believe your dating him

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Luke: you were heading to your high school reunion you haven't seen these people in years you were so nervous you walked in with Luke by your side his hand in your hand and everyone gasped and looked at the two of you you smiled and waved and walked in your friends said "way to make a entrance and um what the actual fuck?" You said "yeah nothing has change accept now I'm the attention in a good way and I told you I was dating him." Your other friend said "yeah we didn't think you were telling the truth cause you said that a lot in high school and now." You laughed and said "I know cause I said it all the time in high school but it's true." Luke said "really?" Looking at you you blushed You said "yeah I did." Your other friend said "well you weren't lying I'm so jelous." You smiled and they were happy for you they loved him of course and they loved how happy the both of you were together.

Calum: you were heading back to your appartment that you shared with your 2 roommates they had people over you guys walked in and your roommate said "what you weren't lying?" You said "no I was telling the truth I don't lie." Your friend said "how?" You said "we met at a club we just both happen to be there at the same time and same day We started talking and here we are." Your other roommate said "that's crazy." Calum said "anything can happen." You said "yeah and I told them this would happen one day they never believed me." They said "yeah cause we didn't think it was possible but you prove to us that it is possible." You smiled Then they talked to him and hungout with you guys the rest of the day they were so happy for the both of you cause they knew how happy he made you and you were so happy to have him in your life and happy your friends and roommates now believed you.

Ashton: you were walking to Starbucks with him and you ran into your friends they gasped and said "no way." You said "yes way." They said "oh my gosh he was the guy you never shut up about?!?!" Ashton laughed and you blushed and said "yes this is him." They said "wow never saw this coming." Ashton said "anything is possible." They said "we see that now you guys are living proof." You giggled and then you guys talked and got Starbucks and hungout the rest of the day you were so happy that they loved him and they were so happy he cared so much for you and of course they knew you loved him and he was definitely the one for you which you knew right st that moment you were so happy.

Michael: you were at your dance show at your school your friend gasped when she saw you with Michael and said "you were telling the truth what the actual fuck how?!?!" You said "We meant at game stop when I was getting you that video game you wanted and then we just clicked and here we are." She said "oh my gosh I'm a match maker." You and Michael laughed and Michael said "you just wanted her to get you something and then we found eachother." She said "and you weren't going to do it aren't you happy you got that for me now." You said "yeah I'm I'm so happy I did that for you." You smiled at Michael and he smiled back you were so happy he loved your friend and your friend loved him to and was so happy for the Both of you he made you the happiest girl alive which you knew he would.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now