Imagine your best friends and your boyfriend breaks up with you

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Luke: you were waiting with your boyfriend for Luke and the others to come over your boyfriend said "we need to talk." You said "ok what about." He said "I can't do this anymore I've been hiding something from you for a long time I didn't tell you cause I knew you would run to Luke and I would be a dead man but I'll probably still be a dead man cause I've been hiding this." You said "what are you talking about?" He sighed and said "I cheated on you I'm so sorry I wanted to break up with you but I was afraid so I decided that this was the best answer but now I don't think it was." You said "get the hell out of my appartment now I never want to see you again and how was that the best answer I hate you bye yebn." He then left and you just sat on the couch and cried then Luke and the boys walked in and they came straight over to you once they saw you were crying Luke took you into his arms and said "what happened?" You said "he cheated on me cause he didn't want to get hurt by you but he hurt me instead." Luke tensed up then there was a knock at the door it was your ex he said "I'll just come back never she can just keep my stuff I'll get new stuff."Then he left you just cried and then you guys watched movies for the rest of the day.

Calum: you were at Calum's concert with your boyfriend when this girl came up to him and said "I thought you told me you broke up with her?" You looked at your boyfriend and said "um she wasn't suppose to know that I told you not to tell her that but now she knows and she'll tell her Bestfriend and he'll murder me." The girl said "who is it going to be me or her you have to chose one of us or we'll let him murder you?" He had a nervous laugh and then Calum said "chose wisely do you wish to live or die?" You crossed your arms and your now ex boyfriend said "I'm just going to leave before I get killed I'm going to get killed either way so what's the point of me choosing." He left the girl said "well I see how it is I guess he doesn't like either of us." You said "I guess not how long have you guys been dating for?" She said "for 4 months." You said "how didn't I notice this I'm so stupid." Calum said "hey you're not stupid he's the stupid one for doing this to you you don't need him neither of you girls do." You and the other girl said "he's right we don't need him." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the night.

Ashton:you had gotten home from a party with Ashton and the boys your boyfriend was at your apartment you said "what are you doing here?" He said "to come and get my stuff cause we're over."you said "all because you didn't come to the party with us and I went when you said it was fine like you could have came with us." He said "and because I fucked someone else and she's better than you see you around." He then left Ashton said "I'm going after him." You said "no don't he's not wroth it and we never fucked so i don't know what he's talking about." He said "I'm so sorry he treated you that way." You said "I don't know how I could be so stupid." Then you showered and got into your pjs and watched movies with the only boys you needed in your life.

Michael: you were at the beach with your boyfriend and then you saw Michael and the boys you screamed and ran to them Michael caught you and hugged you said "I missed you guys so much." He said "we missed you too." You hugged the others and talked to them and hung out with them and your boyfriend said "now I don't feel guilty anymore for cheating on you." Michael said "did you just say that you cheated on her." He got close to him you got in front of Michael and put your hands on his chest and said "Michael don't." Your now ex boyfriend said "yeah I did I'm not ashamed of it cause obviously she cares more about you guys then she does for me." You said "damn right I do you know why cause they would never in a million years hurt me or lie to me bye yebn." He then left and Michael said "you don't need him." You said "you're right I don't I got you guys you guys are the only boys I need on my life." They smiled and so did you happy to have them in your life.

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