Imagine him and the boys pick you up from work

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Luke: your shift had just ended you were cleaning up when someone walked in and said "hi are you still opened?" You looked up and saw Luke and the boys you smiled walked around the counter and he pulled you in and peaked his lips he said "are you off now?" You said "yeah I'm just need to clock out and Chole I'm out after that you hold down the fort." You walked back and clocked out then walked back out then Chole walked out and gasped and froze dropping all the plates on the floor you looked at her then your boss came out and said "Chole clean that up and that's coming from your paycheck and oh my gosh 5sos is in our building how may we help you and yn stay there's very special people here I'll pay you over time." You said "I was just leaving with them their my ride but if you want me to stay overtime I will." She said "oh nonsense I didn't realize they were your ride have a nice night."Chole said "lucky at less you Don't need a paycheck like I do." You glared at her and said "yeah I do need a paycheck that's why I work here they can't get me everything I want well they can but I won't allow them too. bye have fun cleaning that up." You looked at the mess she made She rolled her eyes and you left with the boys you guys got in the car and then got dinner on the way back home.

Calum: you were just getting done with your shift when you had one more order to do you looked up and saw Calum and the boys you smiled and said "um no I'm not taking you boys order someone else can do that I'm not going to take you guys." They chuckled and Calum leaned in and said "haha very funny." You smiled and peaked his lips then pulled back and said "the usual boys." They said "yes please." And went to make their drinks while shaking your butt they chuckled  your co worker said "damn flirting with celebrity's now aren't we that's smooth and kissing them too some nerve." You said "he's my boyfriend and their my best friends so I wasn't flirting with them and of course I was going to kiss him." She laughed and when she saw you weren't laughing she was like "wait what how then why are you working here?" You said "yeah after this I'm leaving with him and the boys and because I need the money that's why I work here same reason you do." You walked passed her and handed their drinks to them but not before taking a sip of Calum's he chuckled and said "ready." You said "yeah I'm going to clock out." You took off you aperan and clocked out you said bye to your co worked who said "go get some of that." You rolled your eyes and left with him and the boys.

Ashton: you were working at their concert you guys were backstage since you guys were in charge of controlling the meet and greet you couldn't help but stare at Ashton he didn't notice you yet that's until he looked your way and then walked over and said "aren't you suppose to be working?" You smiled and chuckled he wrapped his arms around your waist you said "aren't you?" He said " touché." You smiled and peaked his lips your co worker said "do you do that to all fans?" He chuckled and said "only the special ones."You smiled and chuckled then went back to work your co worker goes "how did you win that one?" You smiled and said "I met him at a coffee shop and we started talking then here we are." She said "your one lucky girl." You smiled then  at the end of the night you went home with Ashton and you guys just chilled and got ready for bed.

Michael: you were almost done with your shift when you saw the boys plus Michael come in you said "oh no trouble." And smirked at them Michael smirked at you and said "double trouble cause you're still here and not working." You smirked at him then peaked his lips Your co worker walked over and said "that's Because no one was here but hey you guys are here and she's almost done so help them then you can leave." You said "that's what I was going to do." You helped them with what they needed and then you checked them out then you clocked out and said bye to your co worker you left with them and went shopping for the rest of the day.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now