Imagine he gets you a kitten

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Luke: you were just chilling at yours and Luke's shared appartment with crystal you guys were watching a movie then the boys walked in Luke placed something on your lap you looked down and saw a kitten you gasped and said "oh my gosh luke you didn't?!?!" He said "I did happy anniversary babe." You smiled and said "you remembered." He said "of course I did how could I forget." You peaked his lips you were so happy that he got you a kitten you asked "what's the gender and age?" He said "it's a girl and she's 8 weeks old and her name is whatever you want to name her." You said "her name will be blue." He said "beautiful name." Then you guys just hungout why rest of the night.

Calum: you were hangout with your friends plus crystal and Serria you guys were just talking in your room when your door opened your friend gasped and said "no you didn't." You said "what are you talking about?" Serria said "turn around." You turned around and saw Calum with a kitten you gasped and said "no you didn't." He said "happy birthday." You said "you remembered." He said "of course I did I would never forget it." He gave the kitten to you You said "what's it's name and gender?" He said "it's a girl and whatever name you want to name her." You said "I'm naming her Sierra." Crystal said "now I know who your fave is." You said "my cat at home is name crystal." She said "fair enough." Then you guys just hungout and enjoyed the kitten you were so happy he got you one.

Ashton:you were sleeping still then you felt someone next to you you opened your eyes and saw a kitten you said "you didn't but your allergic." He said "as long as I don't touch it she's fine." You said "it's a girl what's her name?" He said "whatever you want it to be." You said "I'm naming her daisy." He said "I like that." You smiled so happy to have a kitten you've always wanted one you were so happy.

Michael: you and him both wanted a kitten he was bring you some where when he let you see where you were you gasped and said "we're not." He said "we are." You screamed and got out of the car he followed you guys picked out a kitten you guys went with a girl named her phoebe you loved her already Michael smiled and said "welcome to the family phoebe." You smiled so happy to finally have a kitten and have to guy of your dreams.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now