Imagine something exterms happens to you when he's away

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Luke:you got jumped when you were walking home from work crystal was at the hospital right away you opened your eyes and goraned and asked "what happened?" Crystal said "thank gosh you're awake you got jumped the only thing they didn't take was your phone." You said "thank gosh but now I have to get new everything ugh and my head is killing me." She said "they beat you up pretty bad." You said "does Luke know about this?" You looked at her hoping he didn't cause you knew he would come back right away and you didn't want him too cause you didn't want the fans to hate you she said "yeah I had to tell him so he knows." You goraned and said "now the fans will hate me." She was about to say something when someone said "no they won't they understand we talked to them and they understood we needed to see you thank gosh we had promo here when this happened." You looked over and saw Luke and the boys they walked over to you he said "how are you feeling?" And rubbed your forehead you said "much better now." He said "for now on me or the boys or crystal are getting you from work understand?" You said "yeah I got it don't worry." He kissed your head and then helped you get out of there you were free to go you were with them for the rest of the promo tour.

Ashton:you woke up in the hospital confused on what even happened you said "why I'm I here?" Crystal and Sierra said "thank gosh your awake you're here because you took a bunch of drugs cause you were missing Ashton and said that's the only way to help when it isn't." You said "I've learned that and you told Ash and the boys and their coming back right?" Crystal and Sierra said "yeah they're on their way." You sighed and said "I didn't want them to come you know how mad the fans would get." Ashton said "well lucky you we just landed here when the girls called us and told us what happened so the fans aren't mad at all." You looked over and saw them he sat next to you and said "and lucky you your coming with us on the rest of the tour no ifs or buts I already arranged everything cause this is not the answer." You nodded he then checked you out and you guys left you were with them for the rest of the day.

Calum:you were cooking with oil when the oil fell and splattered all over your arms you screamed out in pain crystal and Sierra came in and got some water to help with it but it wasn't helping so they took you to the hospital you were in so much pain and just wanted Calum that's all you wanted at that moment or any of the boys Crystal and Sierra were right by your side the whole time it was little burns on your arms but they still hurt a lot they said that you could go home little did you know crystal and Sierra told the boys plus Calum he called you right away you picked up and said "I'm fine now only little burns." He said "babe that's still bad what happened you could have gotten hurt a lot wrose then you did." You said "I know I wanted you here so bad." He sighed and said "you know I would have came if I could just remember this I'll be there tomorrow and you're not using oil ever again understand and you're coming with me on the rest of the tour I can't risk that again." You nodded happy to have someone like him in your life you knew he would never not watch you cook ever again.

Michael:you were in a bad car accident with Sierra she only had a couple of cuts and bruises but you were knocked out with a broken arm and bruise rip you still weren't awake yet once you did you felt someone in the bed with you thinking it might have been Sierra but no it was Michael you said "what the hell are you doing here you're suppose to be with your fans not with me." And got up quickly He gentle pushed you back into the bed and said "babe we were here any way so you were lucky and the fans understand we're going to be here with you until you get better and until you come out and you will be with us the rest of the tour and you're not moving a muscle when you get out of here you understand me?" You said "yeah I understand how long until I leave?" Sierra said "a couple of days." You sighed not wanting to be here but happy to have Michael and the boys there with you and Sierra too even know she felt bad and was blaming herself you told her there was nothing she could have control it was a accident.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now