Imagine you have a stalker

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Luke: you were with your friends and you felt like someone was following you and this wasn't the first time either, you looked behind you and didn't see anyone so you continued walking with your friends then you guys got back to yours and Luke's appartment there was a note on the door that said "I see everything I'm watching you." You looked around and still didn't see anyone this was freaking you out you walked in and saw the boys they said hey you said "hey." And peaked Luke's lips crystal said "you ok yn you seem panicked." You said "I'm cause someone is following me I swear I've been feeling this way for the longest time and I'm not going crazy." Your friend rolled her eyes and said "yn we told you a million times that no one is following you your overthinking all of this trust me your safe you have Luke and the boys to protect you from anything you really think them of all people would allow anything to happen to you?"Luke said "why would you think someone would be following you?" You handed him the note he locked all the doors and closed all the blinds he said "who is this person?" You said "my stalker she's been doing this for weeks or he." Then your phone rang you jumped it was from the number that's been calling you for weeks Luke picked it up and said "listen who ever the hell you are leave my girlfriend alone." The person laughed a dark laugh and said "she will be mine I always get what I want." Luke hung up and blocked the number and held you close he put it on speaker so you could hear what the person was saying you were terrified now. He said "you're going to be ok we'll keep you safe." You nodded, then you guys just watched tv for the rest of the day.

Ashton: you were receiving all these threats and messages and phone calls from this girl who wanted Ashton and you told her to leave you alone but she's not listening to you so now you are going to tell Ashton cause this has been going on for months now and you need it to stop like it's getting so annoying. You walked downstairs and saw Ashton and the boys you handed your phone to him he looked at everything this girl has been saying to you yes you kept it all. He called this girl and said to leave you alone this girl said she would stop once she got him and he said that would never happen he hung up and blocked her on everything you said "thank you ash." He said "no problem no one messes with me or my girl." You smiled happy to have a guy like him in your life you were so greatful for him.

Calum: you were hangout with your friends at your's and Calum's place when someone threw a rock through your window and it wasn't the tinny ones it was one of the big ones that could hurt someone you screamed then you heard footsteps running up the stairs it was Calum and the boys he said "are you girls ok? Are you girls hurt?" He looked you over You said "yeah we're fine and no I'm not hurt." Luke walked over and carfully picked up the rock it said "you will Be dead soon take that as a warning and Calum will be mine." Luke said "she's still doing this shit did she not listen to me last month like she's not going to get you or him and killing you won't do her any justic." You said "I guess not maybe have Calum try and call her cause she got another number and has been calling me and Excatly it won't do her any good if she kills me." Calum said "hand me your phone please cause she can't be doing this." You did he found her number and called her he said "listen leave me and my girlfriend alone before we get the police involved we don't appreciate this at all now please stop this and Never call this number again or come near any of us if you touch her we'll press charges." Then he hung up and blocked that number too he hugged you and said "you won't have to deal with her ever again if she still does this tell us ok?" You said "ok thank you Calum." He said "no problem I'm always here to protect you." You smiled happy to have a guy like him in your life.

Michael: you walked into yours and Michael's room and saw it destoryed you gasped on the wall it said he will he mine I got rid of his last one I'll get rid of you too. You yelled for Michael him and the boys came up he said "what the hell?" You said "it's the same girl that broke you and your last girlfriend up." He hugged you and took your phone and called this bitch and told her to stop this that she's not going to get away with this just like the last time and then he hung up and blocked her from your phone he hugged you and said "don't worry." You were so greatful for him in your life you knew he would always be there to protect you from everything and anything.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now