BSM you get in a fight with a fan and they have to stop it

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Luke:(age:11): this girl has been bothering you non stop since you got to the concert she had backstage passes so she was back there bothering you too she had front row seats so she was right next to you, you sighed and said "please leave me alone I'm trying to enjoy my brother's concert and I don't want any trouble honestly." She said "he's not your brother so stop saying he is when he's not your brother ok sweetie." That drew the line for you and you said "excuse me he is my brother now please leave cause Once I tell him what you said you'll have to leave I'm asking you nicely now go before I get security." She said "girl fight your own fights stop getting your brother and the boys into your fights that you creat." You said "Then you stop annoying me before I do something I regret and this is all on you girl not me." She said "bring it I'm not afraid of you." You stared her down and Luke said into the micaphone "yn she's not wroth it walk away don't let her get to you just come backstage and stay back there since she's annoying you." You did as he said and started heading backstage but then she attacked you and to defend yourself you had to attack back and the boys were right there to stop it they knew that was coming and so did you the girl got kicked out and they took you backstage to clean you up you said "she such a bitch." He said "yn language but she was just a bitch." You said "yeah." Then you guys went back to the concert you stayed back stage the rest of the time so you wouldn't get hurt anymore than you did.

Calum:(age:12): you were getting so feed up with this girl she kept saying things to you that wasn't true and it was annoying you to the point were you almost punched her Calum could see that he said "think before you do yn." You nodded and walked away that's when she attacked you and you had to fight back the boys saw and Calum they pulled you guys away they took you home and cleaned you up you guys ended up putting a restraining order on her cause she was the one that attacked you and the boys saw that you guys stayed home for the rest of the day so you could recover from what just happened to you you were beat up pretty good.

Ashton:(age:13): right now you were in a fist fight with a girl she started it cause she was just being a jelous bitch and you hated her for that then the boys and Ashton stepped in and your brother said "was that called for?!!?!?"You said "she started it she was running her mouth and then just attacked me for no reason." He said "did you at least try to walk away?" You said "yeah I did try but she wouldn't let me." They cleaned you up and then the rest of the day you were with them for the rest of the day so you wouldn't get into anymore trouble than you got yourself into.

Michael:(age:14): you didn't stand for people hating on you or your brother or his bandmates and you never got voilent only used words but this girl turned to violence and it went down hill from there Michael and the guys pulled you two apart he looked at you and you said "it was her she started it." The girl said "she wouldn't stop running her big mouth." You rolled your eyes and they went to clean you up and Michael said "promise me that won't happen ever again." You said "yeah I promise it won't happen again." You got cleaned up and then stayed with them for the rest of the day so you could keep yourself out of trouble for the rest of the day

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