Imagine you get your Period and you leak through

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Luke: you were siting on the couch when you had to go to the bathroom luke got up too and tied his sweatshirt around your waist that he had on you gave him a werid look and said "why did you do that?"He said "you're on your thing and it leaked through." You looked where you were sitting and saw the blood stain you were embarrassed and ran to the bathroom and cried luke walked in and said "hey it's ok babe it happens to all girls you're ok." You said "I'm sorry I ruined the couch." He said "it's no big deal it'll come out." Then you did what you had to do then you went to go changed your pants and sat back down with Luke and cuddled with him the rest of the night.

Ashton: the boys were over and you guys were hangout outside you got up to go to the bathroom you saw Ashton running towards you and he put his shirt around your waist you gasped and said "I didn't did I?" He said "yeah you did leak through." You went to go change your pants you were so greatful no one else notice what just happened you walked back outside acting like nothing happened cause nothing did happen.

Calum:you were at a concert it was actually a harry styles concert he tied his sweatshirt around your waist you said "shit of course I leaked through but thank gosh no one noticed." He said "yeah that's good that no one noticed." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the concert when you got home you changed and did what you had to do then you went to bed cause you were so tired from the night that you just passed out on your bed.

Michael: you were walking in the mall when it happened he put his sweatshirt around you waist and you groaned he said "you're fine here's a extra pair of pants." You smiled and said "you are the best." You went to the bathroom and did what you had to do once you were done you guys continued your day at the mall like nothing happened no one notice so it was all good you were so greatful for Michael he always comes to the rescue.

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