Imagine you get hurt while you're with another girlfriend

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Luke: you were with crystal at their concert you guys were heading backstage since the show was over you guys were walking backstage when you tripped and fell which wasn't bad but the wrose part was someone stepped on your finger you screamed out in pain crystal helped you up and said "oh my gosh are you ok?" You said "no this girl stepped on my finger." She looked at it and it looked bad she said "Luke's going to kill me." you said "no he won't he'll want to kill the girl that did this to me."Then you guys walked back stage you headed over to the medics to get your finger checked out luke walked over and said "is it broken?" The medic said "it might be she'll need to go to the hospital To get it checked out." You looked at luke with panic on your face cause he knew you didn't like hospitals he said "you're going to be ok I'll be with you the whole time and same with crystal and the boys." You walked back over to them and Luke explained to them what was going on crystal felt so bad you said "crystal it was my own stupidity it wasn't your fault this is all on me." She said "I know I just feel bad." You said "there's nothing you could have done about it." Then you guys headed to the hospital turns out you finger was broken need a split for a couple of weeks then you just cuddled with Luke the rest of the day.

Calum: you were out with crystal and Serria you guys were shopping you were walking and not paying attention and ran straight into a wall you goran and fell to the ground crystal and Serria came rushing over and said "oh my gosh are you ok?" They helped you up and you had a blood nose and a bruise on your head they gasped and took you back to the tour bus to get you cleaned up once you guys got there they got you everything you needed Calum came over once he saw you were hurt and asked "what the hell happened?" You said "I ran into a wall." He couldn't  help but laugh he hugged you and said "only you would do that." You said "and Michael." Michael said "she's not wrong about that." You guys laughed and then the rest of the day you guys just chilled with them.

Ashton: you were front row at their show with crystal and Serria then someone elbowed you in the stomach really hard by accident you goraned and fell to the ground then someone stepped hard on your toe you said "ok I gotta get out of here before one of these crazy fans kill me or before I loss it on one of them." The girls brought you back stage your toe was hurting you a lot and same with your stomach the girls took you over to the medics and at the same time the boys walked back and a sweaty Ashton came over to you girls and said "what the hell happened?" Crystal said "we don't know she hasn't told us." You said "it's called your crazy fans going insane at your show one elbowed me in the stomach really hard and another one stepped on my toe really hard." The medic said "and that one broke your toe you'll need to go to the hospital." Ashton went to shower and then him and the boys plus the girls took you to the hospital and your toe was in fact broken then you guys headed to the bus or at less they walked you got carried by Ashton cause he didn't want anything else to happen to you then you didn't move a muscle for the rest of the night.

Micahel:Serria and you were having a girls day at the beach all was going good until a jelly fish stung you then you stepped on something sharp earning you a trip to the emergency room where the boys meet you Michael said "what happened?" Serria said "she got stung by a jelly fish then cut her foot open pretty bad." The nurse stitched you up and then you could leave but not without Michael carrying you which you didn't mind you got back to the house and laid on the couch not moving your foot for the rest of the day Michael didn't leave your side at all.

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