BSM you get into a fight with your parents

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Luke:(age:12): you just got back from school you had your report card you did pretty well expect for math which you hated math but with your mom being a math teacher she expected you to be good at math you put your report card on the table and then was heading upstairs but not before your mom said "why do you have a f in math?" You said "cause I'm not good at it and you know that." She said "try harder." You said "I do try it just doesn't work." She said "we'll get you a tutor then." You said "I don't need one." She said "obviously you do." You rolled your eyes and said "but will that actually help me." Your mom said "yes it will help you." You said "fine you can try we'll see if it works." She said "it will or you can keep trying on your own." You said "I'm ok I'm done with this conversation." Then you left but ran straight into Luke he said "where are you going?" You said "I was coming to your house but I see you guys are here I'm not going back in mom and I got in a fight over math again cause I failed it even know I'm trying as hard as I can." Luke said "let her get you a tutor it'll help you." You said "fine I will." Then you went in with him and the boys and told your mom your willing to get a tutor for math so she got you one and it did help you with your math.

Calum:(age:13):you were coming home from another  party you've been partying a lot lately cause you missed your brother who was on tour you got home drunk again I know a 13 year old drinking crazy right well you didn't care your mom sighed you said "don't even." She said "this has to stop." You said "when I have Calum back it will." She said "well I'll send you with him on tour then." You said "fine that's what I wanted any ways but you said I had to stay because of school." She sighed and said "please just stop this I'm tired of fighting with you and I'm tired of you doing this." You said "well you can't help me cause you can't bring Calum back if you could I know you would." At that moment Calum walked in you gasped and ran to him he said "now stop this for my sake and for our mothers sake ok this needs to end." You nodded so happy he was back even if it was only for a day or two.

Ashton:(age:14): you and your mom never got along now and that's because you did a lot of things that she didn't approve you were a rebel right now you were smoking and your mom came in and said "when will you stop this." You said "never once guys stop hurting me." She said "you don't need them in your life." You said "I do need my best friends and my brother." She said "it's their job and you know that." You said "yeah I know it's their job just wish they were here more." Then someone said "well we are here now so now stop this for our sake and our mothers sake please." You said "ok I will I'm sorry mom for everything." She said "don't let it happen again." You said "I won't." Then you spent the rest of the day with your brother and Bestfriends.

Michael:(age:15): you got in yet another fight with a girl for hating on the boys and your brother plus your family too and your mom wasn't happy you two were fighting and then your dad joined in too you said "I guess I can't defend the people I love anymore without getting in trouble or getting into fights with you guys."Then someone said "you can but stop getting into fights for us and stop fighting with our parents." You saw Michael and the boys and said "I'm sorry people just get me mad when they say stuff that isn't true." He said "just try and ignore them." You said "I'll try my best." Then the rest of the day you guys just hung out happy they are back even if it's for a short amount of time.

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