Imagine you tell your ex that he's better than he was ever to you

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Luke: you were walking in the mall when you ran into your ex and his new girl who he was all over and you were friends with his girl so you said hi to her and she hugged you she loved you and you loved her then your ex said "I see you found a new man and of course it's one from the band you love more then you ever loved me." You rolled your eyes and said "yeah I did and he's way better than you have fun with him you guys are happy but I got my new man who makes me happier than I ever was with him and yeah I told you I would now look at me plus I never really loved you." Luke took your hand and you guys left he said "you handle that well." You said "yeah I did that what he gets for calling her better than me like I was so much better than her." Luke chuckled and said "well now you have someone better than him." You smiled happy to have Luke in your life.

Calum: you were hangout with the boys and Calum of course you were shopping as they held the many bags you had them you heard someone say "have enough bags there or enough money?" It was your ex and you said "yeah I do and yes I do have enough money cause I have a job that pays well and see my boyfriend and friends are holding the ones I can't hold that is what a boyfriend is suppose to do he's so much better than you were ever plus he helped me pay for some of the things I got and a lot of it is for them and plus he actually came out with me." Your ex said "whatever I have a new girl who's better than you." And left with his new girl and Calum said "wow he's a pleasure but you handled that well." You said "he started it he called her better than me which isn't true I'm better than her." Calum chuckled and said "your way better than her cause your with me now I'm way better than him." You smiled and said "yes you are." Then you guys headed home.

Ashton: you were walking back from Starbucks with Ashton and saw your ex he said "of course you got Starbucks." You said "yeah and of course my boyfriend Ashton who is way better than you were by the way he paid for me un like you who are cheap he knows how to be a boyfriend un like you." Then you guys left Ashton said "harsh much." You said "I just tell the truth that all and it's true you are better than him." He said "you got that right." You smiled happy to have Ashton in your life he was so good to you.

Michael: you were hangout in the studio with your boyfriend Michael and the others then your ex walked in you said "what are you doing here?" And then you saw it was a tour and said "oh I see now FYI my boyfriend is so much better than you were ever to me." Then you headed over to Michael and sat next to him he said "really." You said "it's the truth." He said "true." Then you guys hung out the rest of the day as the recorded the rest of the album.

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