BSM: there's a storm outside that's scaring you

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Luke:(age:10): there was a thunder storm going on outside it wasn't bothering you until a big thing of thunder happened you screamed and ran downstairs into Luke's arms he caught you and said "you're ok your safe it's just a storm it'll past let's watch a movie yeah." You nodded into his chest he turned on your favorite movie and you forgot all about the storm that was going on outside to busy watching the movie and snuggling into Luke.

Calum:(age:11): you heard the wind hitting Your window afraid it would blow it into your room and then you heard a crash outside your window you screamed and ran down to Calum and the boys and ran to Calum he caught you and said "you're ok your safe it was just a tree falling from the wind want to watch a show to get your mind off of it?" You nodded then he turned on the tv and you guys watched a show you all wanted to watch and you were cuddling with Luke forgetting all about the wind storm that was outside.

Ashton:(age:12): there was a hurricane outside you and Ashton were coming back from the studio you were freaking out in the back Ashton kept a eye on you the whole time and said "you're ok we're safe in the car here let's listen to some music to get your mind off of this." You nodded he turned on the radio and you guys sung and dance until you got home you toally forgot about the hurricane that was outside he carried you in not caring how old you were and ran with you inside you guys made it in then you showered and got into your pjs and just cuddled with him for the rest of the night with hot co co.

Michael:(age:13): you were trying to prove to Michael that a little snow storm didn't scare you but that's until the power went out you said "alright you win." And ran downstairs to him and crystal Michael said "hand over the money." You did and then sat with them with your arms crossed mad at yourself crystal pulled you in and said "it's fine we're all scared of something." You said "you're right." Then you guys just cuddled for the rest of the night.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now